Christmas Book Advent Day 14! I hadn't heard of this one but I did live watching Silo so I have high hopes!
Christmas Book Advent Day 14! I hadn't heard of this one but I did live watching Silo so I have high hopes!
I loved the way this all came together. Weaving storylines, action, raiders and dunes. Revenge and family. Great read!!
I grabbed this 2nd in a series off the Library‘s new book shelf on a whim. That meant that I played catch-up as a got acquainted with world Howey built. I thoroughly enjoyed the book. Conner, Rob, Palmer and Violet are sand divers, pulling up treasures from the dead cities below. Violet is a gifted diver who knows the secrets of the sand. Rob can design and use technology no one has seen before. Together they all have a chance to wage peace.