I didn't enjoy this one as much as the last few. I felt like it closed up the storyline they had going a little too quickly. Then, some of the side missions just didn't catch my attention. It still was a fun read, just kind of disappointing.
I didn't enjoy this one as much as the last few. I felt like it closed up the storyline they had going a little too quickly. Then, some of the side missions just didn't catch my attention. It still was a fun read, just kind of disappointing.
Happy to see as many silly and adorable moments as action ones in this volume. Still completely sleeved out by school friend Becky's obsession with Anya's dad, not that the secret agent Frost's obsession is any less cringeworthy. Yor being a badass more often than a doofus and Anya being a perceptive riot is what saves these books in terms of female rep.
Pfft, poor guy doesn't even rank enough speech bubbles to make a full complaint.
I legit love this series. It's fun and easy to read. It's got action and laughs. Really a guilty pleasure that I just found this year via my Japanese author/culture reading challenge started. I love finding new genres and authors.