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Joined October 2020

The Unwedding | Ally Condie
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The murder mystery was interesting, but not really thrilling. I think it was more of a comfortable type read, a little slow, but with a good focus on the characters. I loved the exploration of trauma. I think that was the best part of the story. Especially how that weaved in throughout everything going on in the story. The ending was a bit disappointing, but it fit with the feel of the story.

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I was a little bored with this one, but toward the end it started to pick up. I like the new line of story that was introduced. It feels like we are finally getting some answers, but there is still a lot that is unknown.

A Halloween Homicide | Tonya Kappes
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I think I liked this one more than the previous book. This one seemed to really bring in more of the characters and give us some details about them. The mystery was simple, but it didn't really interest me as much as the characters did.

A Game Most Foul | Alison Gervais
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I loved the beginning part of the book, it drew me in and kept me hooked until the last minute. But, toward the last half of the book, I found I wasn't enjoying it as much. I still had to know how it ended, but it just didn't have the same feel as the beginning. I'm not sure if I liked how it ended, either. It kind of wrapped things up, but it didn't feel satisfying.

Wait for Me | Jody Hedlund
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My only complaint about this book was how predictable it was. I knew how the story would end since the very beginning. It was one of the easiest books to predict. That being said, it wasn't horrible. I really did enjoy parts of the story. There were some meaningful moments that I'm glad were included. I just wish it would have had a few surprising twists in it.

Spy x Family, Vol. 5 | Tatsuya Endo
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This one was a little scattered. I just didn't enjoy it as much as the other ones. Some of the stories were interesting enough, but overall, it was disappointing.

Spy x Family, Vol. 4 | Tatsuya Endo
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There was a more serious tone to this volume, but it did manage to keep things on the light side even with high stakes. I love that a dog was added to the series. I really hope to see more of him.

Spy x Family, Vol. 3 | Tatsuya Endo
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This volume had some moments I really enjoyed, and others that just didn't work for me. I will say I liked most of it, and I'm really starting to get into the family dynamics. I hope those moments continue into the next volume.

Spy x Family, Vol. 2 | Tatsuya Endo
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I enjoyed this one a lot more than the first one. I think it was because the storyline was already established, making this one flow smoothly. I look forward to the next book in the series.

ladym30 I absolutely love this series!😍 5d
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Mother's Day Murder | Tonya Kappes
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This one was okay, I liked the antics her mother got up to, but the story itself was a little on the boring side. I think the premise of it was decent. It was also short, so good to read when you only have a few hours available.

Two Sides to Every Murder | Danielle Valentine
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This is a great concept, but it just didn't work the best. There was no depth to the characters, all we got was basic information about them, and then we were practically thrown into non-stop action. I was on the edge of my seat through the book, but by the end I couldn't tell if I liked the story or not. It left a lot to be desired. But, if you are looking for something quick that isn't too deep, then I would recommend this.

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I'm disappointed with how this ended. It felt like there was a lot of build-up that was unimportant, then it wrapped up quickly. I just wasn't entertained by the story. This is my least favorite volume.

Masquerade of the Heart | Katy Rose Pool
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I'm kind of sad this is the end of this story. The book was good. It actually could have been drawn out more than it was. I feel like it just had so much potential to do more. I do feel like the twists in the story were easy to predict, but other than that, I felt like it was a really solid ending.

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I didn't care for the book during the first part, I felt like it was a little slow to really get into the story. But, once things started going it was actually really good. I loved the characters chemistry. Not to mention, Katie Bailey has a humor that makes me laugh out loud. It ended up being a fun story.

Spy x Family, Vol. 1 | Tatsuya Endo
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I honestly don't know how to rate this one. It was wild from start to finish. I can't tell if I loved every second or if I found it absolutely ridiculous. Maybe it's a little bit of both. It was definitely fun. I also plan to continue reading the series, so I must have enjoyed it.

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Not as good as the last ones have been, but this one was light and fun. There wasn't much that happened in this one, just a couple of conversations after everything that happened in the last few volumes.

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I wasn't sure how I felt about the premise of the story going in, but I got wrapped up in it quickly. The romance was gentle in a way, you know it's there. But it's light, more of a focus on relationships in general. It was a nice change from what I've been reading recently in this genre. I actually really enjoyed this, finished it in a couple of hours.

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This might be my favorite of the series so far. However, it plays with your emotions. We finally got to see how one storyline wraps up. I was slightly disappointed about how it ended, but it makes sense. The rest of the story was slower but really cute.

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This one started out a little intense, but the later half was fun. There were some cute moments as well when some of the cast of characters met up after being apart for some time. Toward the end, we start to see a fun storyline begin, which will lead us into the next volume.

Unforgiven | Shelley Shepard Gray
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This was a nice Amish story. It's been a while since I've last read one. There was a touch of suspense to this, while still having a focus on a romance. A lot of time was covered in the book, so it felt like some things were a little rushed. But I really enjoyed the story and finished it within a day.

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This one felt different from the others in the series. We didn't even have some of the main characters in it. The change was a little refreshing. I liked the storyline in this volume, and can't wait to see how everything will get wrapped up.

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This was just okay. There was more of a romance element in this one, but it's turning into a love triangle, which I don't particularly like. The mystery was good, one that kept me guessing.

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I like how the author doesn't shy away from talking about topics that bother a lot of kids. This one deals with puberty, but mostly just feeling uncomfortable with yourself. There is also a lot having to do with bullying, I like that this was dealt with in an understanding way. It was a good story, a great follow-up to the first book, though they don't necessarily have to be read in order.

Roary47 Sounds really amazing! 😍 3w
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Ready Or Not | Andi Porretta
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I loved the art and the way the coloring was done. It was a visually stunning graphic novel. The story was decent and seemed very typical for this type of story. Anytime you have a friend group, you can expect certain things, which this book had. I also wasn't as entertained by the story as I thought I would be. It did have some meaningful moments, I wish we could have seen some of those a bit more. But ultimately, it wasn't bad.

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The Charmed Friends of Trove Isle was emotional, but in a really good way. There was a lot of grief that had to be worked through. The friends had been through so much that I'm glad they were able to find their way back to each other. The light touches of romance were great, too. It was a really good story, one that doesn't feel truly over. I really hope there will be a second book with these characters.

All Roads Lead to Rome | Sabrina Fedel
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I love the cover for this book, unfortunately that's all I loved about it. Light, fluffy ya romance is usually right up my alley, not this time. I was bored from the very beginning. I really focused while listening to the story, but I still couldn't tell you what happened. I was honestly just waiting for it to end. There isn't anything particularly wrong with the story either, I just didn't like any part of it.

The Atlas of Us | Kristin Dwyer
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I will admit the amount of swearing in the book turned me off of it for a little bit, but the story really drew me in. I keep seeing "heartbreaking" as a description for this book and it's true. I almost cried throughout the story, I did cry toward the end. It is the most emotional book I have read this year. The twist and surprise moments were easy to guess, but there was something about having those suspicions that made the story powerful.

Always Never Yours | Austin Siegemund-Broka, Emily Wibberley
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My feelings about this book are complicated. I didn't care for the characters in the first half. I was honestly annoyed with all of them throughout the book. It had a fairly simple storyline, and it only half appealed to me. I didn't particularly care for it. However, it had some touching moments. And it was those moments that really made the book worth it. I wish we had more of them.

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I think I like this one more than the first one. It was over too quickly. I felt like I was only reading it for 10 minutes. I would have loved it to be longer.

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I flew through this book. There were notes of mystery to it, but it was primarily a romance. I loved the characters instantly. I do wish there had been a little something more, perhaps digging into the emotions in the story. There was a lot that happened, especially in the characters' pasts that could have been explored more. But, overall, it was a really cute romance.

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It's a fun story, but very, very short. I will probably continue the series.

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I usually enjoy this author's books, but this one just didn't do it for me. I found the characters to be rather annoying. The whole reason for their breakup in the beginning of the book seemed stupid, same with some of the other decisions made by the characters. I also felt like them getting back together was too easy. I just didn't like much about the whole thing.

Kill Her Twice | Stacey Lee
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It was a fast read, but it was also slightly boring. I really think the issue is with me on this one. I thought the writing style was great, and the storyline was decent, yet I still didn't end up caring for it. It was just an okay read for me. I probably won't even remember much about it in a couple days.

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Book 3 was different from the first 2 because it focused a lot more on the time period and what was going on around that time. I did feel like the characters didn't act true to themselves at times. They both had really strong personalities that kind of got softer by the end of the book. I would have liked to see it remain strong throughout the whole story, but it just didn't. I did enjoy the rest of the book, though. I finished it in one sitting.

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I don't have any strong feelings about this book. It was just an okay story that entertained me for a little bit.

A Book to Kill For | Harper Lin
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I had such high hopes for this story, but it just ended up falling a little flat for me. The mystery aspect of the story was straight to the point, it didn't take much to figure it out. I'm not sure how I feel about the characters either. I think this one mostly just sets the stage for the rest of the series, which I do plan to give a try, but this one just wasn't the best.

Blood & Fury | Tessa Gratton, Justina Ireland
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I didn't know if I should consider it a pan or a so-so. I found it incredibly boring. The last 20% of the book was the best part, nothing really happened before that. I really didn't get a sense of the characters reasoning behind anything. I was left wondering why. There was no clear purpose behind anything. Not to mention, there were quite a few characters that you end up knowing nothing about. It was lacking anything to make it memorable.

When Among Crows | Veronica Roth
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Usually, I'm always saying I want more from stories, especially when they are this short. However, I think the length was just right, and dragging it out further would have made the story too boring. A lot happened, but it never felt rushed. It was well balanced in a lot of different ways.

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I honestly think I like this one more than the first book. There just seemed to be a more cohesive storyline, it also kept my attention throughout the book. I think knowing the characters from the first book really helped me to care about them during this one.

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I'm starting to think this author just isn't for me. This is usually the type of book I love, but I couldn't get over my dislike of Nora. I found her to honestly be annoying through most of the book. The story started strong, I think I did like the premise behind it, but by the middle of the book, I was waiting for it to be over. I even set it down for about a month because I just wasn't into it.

Falling in Line | Kasey Stockton
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I think I found my new favorite author. I finished the book in one sitting, loved every second of it. This was literally the perfect second chance sweet romance.

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I enjoyed this book more than I should have. I will overlook how repetitive the things keeping the couple apart got to be. Those arguments were overdone, and they didn't really seem like that big of a deal if I'm being honest. I was so wrapped up in the story that it didn't even matter to me. I loved the setting and the characters, so much so that I bought the other 2 books in the series before finishing this one.

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I started reading this back in January, yet I kept putting off finishing it for some reason. Well, I finally decided to read the last half of it today. From what I remember it was a little slow in the beginning, which was why it was so easy to put off for so long. I did enjoy the story, though. I'm glad I finished the book, the last half was far better than the first. I loved the ending and can't wait to see what happens next in the series.

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This one felt a little slower than some of the other ones, but I actually really enjoyed the mystery. However, a lot of the characters came across as dumb for believing the scam happening in the story. But, ultimately, it was interesting and I enjoyed it.

Welcome to Camp Killer | Cynthia Murphy
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This was okay. It wasn't very original, but it was entertaining for an hour. It actually would have been a bit better if it had been long enough to really flesh out the characters. I felt like I knew nothing about them, so I didn't really care what happened to them.

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Started this one a couple months ago for a study at a friend's church. Some of the stuff it talked about was already things I did, but this organized it all in a different way to give you a solid structure for how to read the Bible. I'm not quite sure about everything she had to say, especially in the beginning chapters, but her desire for proper Bible study bled through the pages. I'm definitely going to begin using her method.

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This is the first time I've read this author, but she has a nice way of building suspense. I felt like I was actually in the story, feeling the strong emotions of the main character. I did have a lot of strong suspicions about certain things which ended up being true, so some of the twists didn't feel too surprising.

I Hated You First | Rachel John
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I don't know if this qualifies as enemies-to-lovers or friends-to-lovers. Their relationship in the beginning was a little weird, almost like the author forced them to be enemies when they clearly would have worked better as friends. Other than a few other little complaints throughout the book, the store was actually really cute. Things moved quickly and never got boring.

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I can honestly say I had no clue what I was going into when I picked up this book. I knew next to nothing about Tom Felton, only picking this up because it was recommended to fans of Harry Potter. I loved how genuine he was as he told his story. Some things had to have been difficult to write about.

The Christmas Wish | Lindsey Kelk
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I started reading this back in January. Somehow, it got away from me, but I've finally finished it. This book is wild from start to finish. I couldn't tell if it was funny or horrifying, probably a little bit of both. I got secondhand embarrassment for the main character many times throughout this book. She really knew how to get herself in crazy situations. But, there were also some touching moments mixed in with all the hilarious moments.