I don‘t like either Captain Crunch or Lucky Charms. I‘m not a part of #bbrc but this looked like fun.
I don‘t like either Captain Crunch or Lucky Charms. I‘m not a part of #bbrc but this looked like fun.
#bestofapril Coke Machine Glow, and the Shivers tale of Spider Kingdom. #prisma #aprilbookshowers 🕷📚
I enjoyed Gord's small book of poetry and lyrics, on Ontario reflections and hotel travelled ponders. The read has helped me relax through rougher work weeks, with more I'm sure to revisit and take in again with the Coke Machine Glow solo album. 🎧🎸
#AprilTBR I got a bus box, among other things I'm easily enthused by 😄 Fanfest at the library today sure was a blast! 🚎 I caught my blue bus home from work, now heading to bed with all the photos and tales to come in the morning. #aprilbookshowers
#canadianauthors My current read is Gord Downie's Coke Machine Glow. 🍁 I got this Canada Day bottle during my volunteer time at Georgina Pioneer Village, as the best I'll often carry with iced tea, saved from loose leaf flavours. Maple tea sure is great! Pioneer history for Canada sure is gladly picking up with educational books, plus Gord Downie's Secret Path on the too long hushed past of residential schools. #marchintoreading
My featured #battleofthebooks library pick is Gordon Downie's 'Coke Machine Glow'. I sure am a long-time Hip fan. 🇨🇦 However with more to hear from this solo album, I look forward to reading it first as poetry. - The 'Coke Card' is my priceless souvenir of the year 2000 😄 the high school cafeteria sold a variety of Coke, in cherry and vanilla, but wouldn't allow any bonuses with the card, which never saw much use in short time.
In the big city with just therapy / there is no confession / you're sorry for everything / and it means nothing
This would explain a lot... #gorddownie #cokemachineglow
More afternoon reading. #gorddownie #courageforgord #thetragicallyhip #poetry
No reading tonight, but a poet is on the stage for likely the last time.