This was a cozy afternoon read. Sweet stories and memorable characters.
This was a cozy afternoon read. Sweet stories and memorable characters.
The premise may seem deceptively simple, but each story is a beautiful invitation to reflect. I often felt quite moved while reading; the last three stories especially spoke to me. This is the kind of book that I imagine you could take away something new from it each time you read it, and each reader would have something different resonate - much like the characters themselves make the meaning in the gifts and books from Sayuri Komachi.
Lovely heartwarming book, five characters each seeking new direction and the Librarian who points them into soul searching in a subtle manner.
Based on my reading experience to date, I don‘t think Japanese Literature is 100% my jam. I enjoyed guessing who the Librarian character, Sayuri Komachi, was meant to represent, however. I got the impression that she was an incarnation of some goddess or deity: my best guess is White Tara. I liked the message about how important it is to feel like you belong, though as one character observes “belonging is an ambiguous state.” 👇🏻
I am loving this little book! It feels epistolary without being epistolary. It reminds me of The Uncommon Reader. It‘s just lovely and warm. The chapters are loosely jointed but unique to themselves.
This brilliant book has something in store for everyone. This is a kind of book that is meant to be reread again and again and through each reading one discovers something new, something exceptionally brilliant. I will definitely recommend this book.
Oh, this book. It holds you in a warm and tight hug, telling you everything is gonna be alright while at the same time lovingly shoving you in the right direction to do something new. I absolutely loved it. So much, that I have a proper book-hangover now.
This is a book of short stories about 5 individuals who are feeling lost in life and they visit a library one day. My recommendation is to take breaks between each chapter. Otherwise, the book becomes too predictable and repetitive. Overall, I thought it was OK, didn't love it nor hate it.
Everything I love in Japanese literature is in this book!
It's going to be a favourite on the shelf, the stories are inspirational, but not unrealistic, people of all ages and in different situations struggle with life's challenges and find answers through a very wise librarian. The stories are loosely linked in a way that makes sense and has its own meaning. The book includes lovely illustrations and I'm happy to have bought my own copy🥰🌸