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Lies with a Straight Face
Lies with a Straight Face: Exposing the Cranks and Cons Inside the 'Ex-Gay' Industry | Wayne R. Besen
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Lies with a Straight Face tells the fascinating story of the precipitous rise and fall of the ex-gay conversion industry in a manner that is both enlightening and entertaining. This fast-moving, fact-based book is perfect or those who enjoy the marriage of politics, history and current events. The book features the riveting story of the 1998 Truth in Love ad campaign, where the Religious Rights most prominent organizations joined forces to prove that LGBTQ people could be converted to heterosexuality through prayer and therapy. Their provocative national ad campaign created saturation media coverage, turned ex-gay into a household term and sparked innumerable water cooler conversations. In this book, youll find out the shocking results of the Truth in Love campaign and learn about what happened to their outspoken ex-gay poster boys and girls. Lies with a Straight Face also discusses the contemporary con artists in the ex-gay industry and offers tangible ways for todays leaders to fight back. Lies with a Straight Face is a sequel published on the twenty-year anniversary of Anything But Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth. Nominated for two Lambda Literary Awards, Besens original book documents the history of conversion cure programs from the early 20th Century to 2002. His new book discusses what happened from 2003 up to the present day. To prevail in our present-day battles, we must learn from our past, said Besen. Ex-gay conversion programs are a farce that wreck families and destroy lives.
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My father‘s longtime friend has been an amazing LGBTQ+ advocate and just released another book! I just received my signed copy and on chapter 4 already! Very gripping and informative on the dangers of “praying the gay away” and how detrimental and scientifically debunked conversion therapy really is. MUST read for all people of the world- regardless of your sexual orientation or gender identity! *Wayne also included a small dedication to my dad*🥰

JamieArc Ooh. As an ex-vangelical who remembers people making those arguments, this book really intrigues me! 10mo
all_4_kb @JamieArc Yessss! The book is filled with SO MANY ex-evangelicals too!! This book truly delivers powerful information mixed with humor and some history and politics. 10/10 recommend! 10mo
Reggie It‘s crazy. There‘s been people who started some of these camps who have come out in the past couple of years as gay and say they were wrong. Crazy. 10mo
all_4_kb @Reggie yes, A LOT of ppl. It‘s all so sad really. I give them all the credit for clearing the record. 10mo
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