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Ariane, A Russian Girl
Ariane, A Russian Girl | Claude Anet
2 posts | 1 read | 2 to read
Men speak freely of the women theyve had, and were condemned to silence. Why? Arent we as free as you? Dont we, like you, have the right to take pleasure wherever we find it? . . . They praise seducers in art, poetry, and literature and put a mask of infamy on any woman whos had many lovers. This is the point where the fight must be fought. Womens morality must triumph, and thats what Im working at . . . Thus Ariane, unconventional, irrepressible, and irre-sistible, at seventeen the queen bee of the provincial Russian town where, after her mothers early demise, she lives with her freethinking aunt. But Ariane is tired of breaking hearts in the sticks. Her father may wish to marry her off, but she means to go to the university in Moscow, and she will do whatever it takes to make her way the way she likes. In Moscow, Ariane is in her element. She loves the glamour of the big city. Shes undaunted by its dangers. Before long, she meets Constantin Michel, businessman, man of the world, man-about-town. A new struggle begins.The inspiration for Billy Wilders Love in the Afternoon, Ariane has the perverse glitter of Nabokov and the disabused curiosity and keen emotional intelligence of Colette. It is a brilliant explorationengrossing, unnerving, comic, and cunningof the matchless cruelty of desire.
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The movie adaptation 😻 with Audrey Hepburn.
I found the full movie on youtube. Lucky me!


Suet624 Thanks for the YouTube link. 8mo
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3⭐️ Ariane is a young girl who‘s had many lovers but eventually finds herself stuck in a relationship with one Grand Prince. I enjoyed the first half of the book where the focus was on Ariane and all the men captured in her web (a new guy introduced in almost every chapter 😂). She‘s quite a character! Unfortunately, I got bored in the second half where the two lovebirds tried so hard fighting their own feelings 😑

LeahBergen That‘s a great cover! 8mo
sisilia @LeahBergen Their new releases are pretty amazing! 8mo
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