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Joined May 2016

Chevengur | Andrey Platonov
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4⭐️ What a tough book to read! 😅 Platonov deployed so many layers of irony in this story of communist experiment in a district named Chevengur. It‘s not easy to realize the dream of creating a perfect communist world. The communist intellectuals themselves were not sure about the concepts and implementations. It‘s really a brain-wrecking novel but I‘m also encouraged to read Platonov‘s other works now 😆

An Ordinary Youth | Walter Kempowski
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4⭐️ I was looking forward to reading this book because 1. It‘s Kempowski!, and 2. It‘s rare to have WWII story from Germany‘s POV. This is an autobiographical novel of a boy growing up under Nazi rule. Reading this book ~80 years after the actual event, I don‘t see anything ordinary about his childhood. I was fascinated by his bohemian family, and how they dealt with the disruption of war.

Leftcoastzen Sounds really interesting! 7d
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Happy Wednesday, Littens! I have not been reading for the last two weeks!! 🙈 Somehow I have no mood to pick up a book… which is so weird!

🖼️: Pinterest

dabbe As my husband says, “Sometimes you just need a break ... even from books!“ 💙❤️💙 3w
sisilia @dabbe So true! 🥰 3w
KathyWheeler I‘m experiencing something like this myself right now. Usually I have an audiobook, an ebook, and a print book going at the same time. At the moment, if it weren‘t for my walking, I wouldn‘t even be listening to a book. 3w
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Ruthiella It will pass. Zola awaits! 😊 3w
sisilia @Ruthiella 🤣 He is indeed !!! The books are giving me side eyes whenever I walk past the shelves 3w
sisilia @KathyWheeler Must be the stars alignment 😅 3w
BarbaraBB That is weird indeed. But @dabbe and @Ruthiella ‘s wise words are true! 3w
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Chevengur | Andrey Platonov
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I think he is right 😐

dabbe As Dickinson wrote, “I'm Nobody, who are you? / Are you Nobody, too?“ 💚💙💚 1mo
sisilia @dabbe Ooohh I love this 💕 Thank you! 1mo
dabbe @sisilia 🤩😀🤗 1mo
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Chevengur | Andrey Platonov
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I had no idea about Andrey Platonov and his works; all I knew is that NYRB said that it‘s good and so I decided to read it. The Chandlers translated this novel and they translated Vasily Grossman‘s works so I trusted them. So I read the first chapter and thought “wow so this is about the famine period! This is going to be tough!” I then flipped to the translator‘s note and Robert Chandler‘s first sentence says 👇🏻

sisilia “I first tried to translate Platonov nearly fifty years ago.” Wow!!! It must be so difficult! I was then curious about this Platonov guy and googled his image 👆🏻 Omg, he looks like a scary Russian uncle!!! I wiki-ed him next and found out that he wrote this book at age 29 🤯 Age 29 and wrote something like this????? I had to stop and think now and then to digest what he said. This guy is amazing! I think I just found my new fav author 😘 1mo
BarbaraBB Interesting. Now I want to read him too! 1mo
Leftcoastzen This is amazing, will have to check him out. 1mo
sisilia @BarbaraBB @Leftcoastzen Fascinating guy 💕 1mo
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Chevengur | Andrey Platonov
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Quiet Tuesday evening 😍

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It‘s the weekend!! Time to read books 💃🏻

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I thought that I would have time to read after I submitted my module assignment early last month, but nope! Work has been crazy recently. This week alone, I have 6 presentations to do. And I‘m also fatter so I‘ve been spending more time at the gym recently 😤 I need time to read! A friend suggested audiobook for the gym, but the thing is… I can‘t audio and cardio 😆 I‘m pretty sure I‘m getting side eyes from my unread books 😑

Librarybelle Hope things calm down for you soon! 2mo
Leftcoastzen I know when you love to read it‘s like self care , I hope things lighten up soon. 2mo
Ruthiella I hear you! Life gets in the way of our reading! Keep trying with the audio/cardio combo. It kind of takes practice and the right book. 2mo
sisilia @Leftcoastzen That‘s so true 💕 2mo
sisilia @Librarybelle Thank you 😻 @Ruthiella I will give it a try 😸 I‘ll report the progress hahaha 2mo
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Lies and Sorcery | Elsa Morante
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5⭐️ Wow wow!!! I love this novel so much!!! It‘s crazy family saga and all the characters are just insane! I was impressed that Morante could keep the momentum until the end. She‘s a genius 🤩 Grab this as your next read. The chonkiness doesn‘t matter you‘d actually wish for more. This is my first Morante and as usual, thanks NYRB for publishing this gem.

LeeRHarry Ooh I‘ll check this out. 😊 2mo
TheKidUpstairs Sounds so good! Stacked 😁 2mo
sarahbarnes Sounds very good! 2mo
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Blue Sisters | Coco Mellors
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At the airport‘s bookstore and am attracted by this cover 🤪 Is it any good?

JamieArc I‘ve heard really good things about it but haven‘t read it myself yet. 2mo
sarahbarnes I just saw a post about this book coming out. I‘m also curious about it. 2mo
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Not book related, just wanna share the chill vibes of these Balinese stray dogs. They ignore the tourists and dominate the beach. Life goals!

Sleepswithbooks Love this photo 🥰 2mo
Hooked_on_books Aw, babies! 🐶🐶💙 2mo
Leftcoastzen So cool 😎 🐶🐶 2mo
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Tamra I‘d have a hard time ignoring them. 😍 2mo
Ruthiella Like cats in Istanbul (never been, just heard of). 2mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 2mo
sisilia @Ruthiella Hahaha yes pretty much the same… 2mo
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Lies and Sorcery | Elsa Morante
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If you need a chunkster now, I recommend this book 😍 I‘m about 30% in and the experience is like watching Taiwanese TV drama but with a lot of hand gestures 🤌🏻 I‘m loving this!!

Ruthiella Stacked! 2mo
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Lies and Sorcery | Elsa Morante
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Annual pilgrimage 😆 #bali

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Hahahaha found this on Instagram 🤪 Have a good Friday, everyone!

Ruthiella 😂😂😂 2mo
batsy 😆😆 2mo
dabbe 😂😂😂 2mo
UwannaPublishme 😁😁😁 2mo
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The Masterpiece | Emile Zola
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I hope to finish this series this year 😜 Seems to be my annual resolution hahahaha but let‘s make it happen this time😅 I started this in January 2020, btw 🙈

LeahBergen Wow!! 2mo
Ruthiella Allons-y! You can do it. 👍 2mo
Leftcoastzen Wow , nice to see them all together, I‘ve read the first 2 years ago. 2mo
erzascarletbookgasm What a great stack! 💪 2mo
dabbe WOWZA! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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The Masterpiece | Emile Zola
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Wooohoooo I just submitted my school assignment 😝 Now I can read!!!!! Hurrah 🥳

Tamra 👏🏾👏🏾 2mo
Gissy 🙌👏👏👏👏 2mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
BarbaraBB Yay!🙌🏽 2mo
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Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol
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3⭐️ I like this new translation work; I cannot imagine reading this in verse 🙈 I wish that Gogol didn‘t burn some of the part 2. I‘m really curious what he had in mind for Chichikov‘s ending. What‘s the original plan? How would it end in part 3?

All that Gogol mentioned here about society is still relevant today. We have not changed after all, and this was written in 1840s.

Ruthiella That‘s both the benefit to reading classics and the downer: humans haven‘t changed much. 2mo
Suet624 @Ruthiella I keep waiting for the highly evolved part of being human shows up. 2mo
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Our Silent Book Club is getting attention; we are featured in FEMALE magazine this time.


Dilara Congratulations! 3mo
LeahBergen Awesome! 3mo
BarbaraBB You‘re becoming famous 😀 3mo
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sarahbarnes That‘s so cool! I wish I could join! 😁 3mo
sisilia @Dilara @LeahBergen Thank you 😀 @BarbaraBB The bookclub is 😬 It has a long waitlist now @sarahbarnes Check out Silent Book Club website to see if there‘s a chapter in your area. I hope there‘s one near you. 3mo
sarahbarnes Turns out there is one here! I‘m going to have to look into it. 3mo
sisilia @sarahbarnes Yay!! 🥳 3mo
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Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol
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Current stack

Graywacke Lies and sorcery? I haven‘t heard of the title, but adore Morante. 3mo
sisilia @Graywacke It‘s a new one from NYRB 😃 I haven‘t read any Morante, so am looking forward to this. 3mo
Graywacke @sisilia interesting! 3mo
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A Private Affair | Beppe Fenoglio
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2⭐️ With the exception of a few, thin NYRBs usually disappoint 😕

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Accurate! 😅

Aims42 🤣🤣🤣 4mo
Ruthiella 😂😂😂 4mo
Reggie Lololol 4mo
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Reminiscences of a Student's Life | Jane Ellen Harrison
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3⭐️ Jane Ellen Harrison was a Hellenist, a famous scholar during her time. What an interesting charater! I would love to have her profession if I could do everything all over again 🤪

Reminiscences of a Student's Life | Jane Ellen Harrison
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Just started this book this morning, and I like it so far. Harrison‘s funny and witty - she made me smile 😍

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L'Assommoir | Emile Zola
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4.5⭐️ In this book, Zola chose the themes of poverty, alcoholism, and domestic violence. Zola being Zola, he didn‘t hold back 😭 My heart broke for Gervaise Macquart 💔 and she‘s been haunting me. I can‘t stop thinking about her.

sisilia “L‘Assomoir is without any doubt the most chaste of my books… I wanted to depict the inexorable downfall of a working-class family in the poisonous atmosphere of our industrial suburbs. Intoxication and idleness lead to a weakening of family ties, to the filth of promiscuity, to the progressive neglect of decent feelings and ultimately to degradation and death. It is simply morality in action.” — Emile Zola 3mo
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L'Assommoir | Emile Zola
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I started this book last year but I stopped halfway. I picked it up again recently and I have about 80 pages left. It‘s sooooo sad 😭 I will forever remember Gervaise Macquart 😢

REPollock Haven‘t read this one but I‘ve read a couple other books by him and they were both very sad too. 😢 4mo
sisilia @REPollock That‘s the thing with Zola… leaving the readers damaged emotionally 😑 4mo
BarbaraBB Hmm. Now I want to read it! What does that say about me?! 4mo
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Daisey Zola is an amazing storyteller, but so incredibly frustrating and sad. 4mo
Ruthiella OK, you have convinced me to pick my Zola project back up. I‘m reading in the suggested order, the next one will be La Curée. April or May! Watch this space. ? 4mo
sisilia @Daisey Indeed! 4mo
sisilia @Ruthiella That‘s one of my fav. Crazy Saccard! Go for it, Ruth! I have 7 more left… not sure when I can finish them all 4mo
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Bleak-House... | Charles Dickens
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4⭐️ Yay, I finished the book! It took me slightly more than 2 weeks, eventhough the Librivox audio is just around 40 hours 🙊 I wouldn‘t survive this without the audio, really. Story-wise, I was more invested at the start than at the end. I don‘t know, I guess I was expecting more fireworks. I still prefer David Copperfield to this.

Aimeesue Did you listen to the Mil Nicholson version? She‘s BRILLIANT and honestly the only reason I made it all the way through. I got so mad at all the things Dickens put poor Esther through! 😂 4mo
sisilia @Aimeesue Yes! Mil Nicholson the saviour! Haha I know what you mean. I enjoyed the audio more than the story, I think. Her voice for Mr. Smallweed is amazing… such vicious shrill 🥶 4mo
Ruthiella Congratulations on finishing! 👏👏👏 4mo
sisilia @Ruthiella Teehee 😄☺️ Thank you. It was a good read 4mo
BarbaraBB Well done. I liked the audio too. 4mo
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Bleak-House... | Charles Dickens
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So many characters!!!! 😅

Ruthiella That huge cast and how he juggles them is one of the things I like about Dickens. 5mo
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Bleak-House... | Charles Dickens
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I must thank this lady Mil Nicholson for her brilliant reading of Bleak House. When I was in the first chapter I knew that I wouldn‘t survive reading this book if without the help of an audiobook. I searched online and my local library to find the voice that I like. I‘m lucky to find one https://youtu.be/uXt5OlPkAos?si=cljPizg3PBQE5BvQ Two days in, and I‘m already at 22%. That‘s pretty amazing, thanks to Mil.

RamsFan1963 I had to read Bleak House in college for an English Lit class. I wish audiobooks had been a thing back then, it would have greatly helped me trudge through that chunkster 5mo
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Bleak-House... | Charles Dickens
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Just started this chunkster. I forgot how verbose Dickens is; he wrote one lengthy paragraph about the fog 😑😑😑 Luckily, I found an audiobook on youtube https://youtu.be/uXt5OlPkAos?si=bF0lunVhndkEEWxB Reading/listening combo works best for me

BarbaraBB For me too when it comes to Dickens. I liked this a lot by the way, with that ridiculous lawsuit of Jaundice vs Jaundice 😂 5mo
Ruthiella This is definitely one of my top favorites from Dickens- despite the fog! 😊 5mo
Kimberlone I have slowly been reading this book for 3(!) years 5mo
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dabbe This one was a slow burn for me. But when it got going, I absolutely loved it! This and Great Ex are my top Dickens‘ faves. 💙 5mo
sisilia @BarbaraBB @Ruthiella @dabbe My fav has been David Copperfield so far but I heard that Bleak House is the best of his works (edited) 5mo
sisilia @Kimberlone Wow! 😅 I have some books like that … the audiobook works well for this one 5mo
dabbe @sisilia DC would be my #3, followed by A CHRISTMAS CAROL. 😍 5mo
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A Town Called Solace | Mary Lawson
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4⭐️ Another enjoyable read from Mary Lawson. I like how the three characters are connected, how they are actually reflections of one another. There‘s something about her writing that I really like… simple, engaging, and addictive 😍

BarbaraBB I‘ve only read this one by her and loved it. I will absolutely read more by her. 5mo
Amiable I love Mary Lawson! All of her books are absolute treats. 5mo
Tamra 💙Lawson 5mo
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Told by an Idiot (Revised) | Rose Dame Macaulay
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4⭐️ What a gem of a novel! 😍 Macaulay follows the fortunes of the Garden family and life in England from 1879 to 1923. I like the emphasis that nothing changes in human life. Look at us! Here we are in year 2024 but we behave the same as those before us. It‘s true that history repeats itself.

Tamra Sounds good! 5mo
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Told by an Idiot (Revised) | Rose Dame Macaulay
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I‘m loving this story! My first Rose Macaulay and I think I will be hunting for all her books. Have you read any by her?

Ruthiella I‘ve read one book from her which I liked but didn‘t love 5mo
Leftcoastzen I have some & don‘t think I‘ve read any of them. 5mo
LeahBergen I have a couple of her books on my shelves but haven‘t got to them yet. 5mo
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batsy I apparently have this book stacked. I have this one but I've yet to read it 5mo
sisilia @batsy That‘s in my TBR after I saw it in Read Like the Wind article 😀https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/26/books/read-like-the-wind.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb 5mo
sisilia @Ruthiella I‘d love to try that 😄 5mo
sisilia @Leftcoastzen @LeahBergen I have two titles and both have been permanent residents of my apartment for years! Glad that I started this one today 😁 5mo
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The movie adaptation 😻 with Audrey Hepburn.
I found the full movie on youtube. Lucky me!


Suet624 Thanks for the YouTube link. 5mo
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3⭐️ Ariane is a young girl who‘s had many lovers but eventually finds herself stuck in a relationship with one Grand Prince. I enjoyed the first half of the book where the focus was on Ariane and all the men captured in her web (a new guy introduced in almost every chapter 😂). She‘s quite a character! Unfortunately, I got bored in the second half where the two lovebirds tried so hard fighting their own feelings 😑

LeahBergen That‘s a great cover! 5mo
sisilia @LeahBergen Their new releases are pretty amazing! 5mo
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Still Missing | Beth Richardson Gutcheon
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3⭐️ This novel really invited me to experience the hell parents have to go through when their child disappears without a trace. The story was set in the 80s and the reference to drugs and homophobia feels like a time travel to that era. #persephoneclub

Tamra Agreed, it is a time capsule! 5mo
LeahBergen I really enjoyed the throwback feel to that era. 5mo
Caryl Time travel, indeed! 5mo
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Still Missing | Beth Richardson Gutcheon
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Littens, I have turned into a British aunt! I‘m eyeing this tea set now 😝, thanks to Kevin Lee Jacobs‘ youtube channel. I usually use my Japanese teapot and cups, but I think it‘s time to switch 😅


LeahBergen It‘s so pretty! 5mo
Leftcoastzen It is beautiful! 5mo
Texreader How pretty!! 5mo
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Ruthiella Nothing wrong with having two teas services! That‘s a beautiful set. 😍 5mo
Hooked_on_books It‘s a lovely table, very inviting. I don‘t blame you! 5mo
Tamra Very pretty! 5mo
Amiable So enticing—I want to sit down there immediately! 5mo
quietlycuriouskate Gorgeous! ❤️ 5mo
kspenmoll Lovely set! I can see why the temptation… 5mo
BarbaraBB That looks fabulous 😍 5mo
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Mary Olivier: A Life | May Sinclair
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4⭐️ Mary is a clever girl starting her way in the world but she also thinks that her mother hates her. While she struggles finding her actual self and her happiness, her dysfunctional family limits her freedom. This autobiographical novel is not for those wanting a cheerful read but it‘s beautifully written. I love how Mary‘s voice matures as she ages.


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Mary Olivier: A Life | May Sinclair
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Otw to my hometown for Chinese New Year celebration 🎉

Ruthiella Happy Lunar New Year! 🐉 6mo
LeahBergen Happy New Year! 🐉 6mo
Tamra Happy New Year! 6mo
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Leftcoastzen Yay! Happy New Year! 6mo
BarbaraBB Happy New year 🎊 6mo
batsy Happy New Year! 🏮🐉 The book sounds lovely. 6mo
sisilia @Ruthiella @LeahBergen @Tamra @Leftcoastzen @BarbaraBB @batsy Thank you 🍊🧧May the Dragon year bring us good reads 📚🐉🐲 5mo
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In today‘s Straits Times 😄

BarbaraBB You‘re becoming famous 😀❤️ 6mo
Ruthiella Awesome! 👏👏👏 6mo
Gissy Great!😃 👌📚❤️❤️❤️ 6mo
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LeahBergen I see you! 👏👏👏 6mo
batsy 🤩 6mo
Librarybelle That‘s awesome! 6mo
youneverarrived Brilliant! ♥️ 6mo
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JamieArc @Cupcake12 Another Litten just posted about Silent Book Club, so this article will give you an idea of what it is. @sisilia My SBC meets this week and I always look forward to it! 6mo
monkeygirlsmama I need to see if anything like this exists near me. 6mo
Ruthiella Awesome. Another example of your benevolent dictatorship. 😉 I feel bad for Mr Tahir though. Can you send some silent readers his way? 6mo
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BarbaraBB Very cool Sisilia! We have them in Amsterdam too but I haven‘t registered yet! 6mo
sisilia @Ruthiella Hahahaha😂 I hope we can collaborate with him… (edited) 6mo
sisilia @monkeygirlsmama Check out silentbook.club to see if there is a chapter near you 6mo
sisilia @BarbaraBB I wish I could do silent book club with you and other Littens here 6mo
sisilia @JamieArc It‘s really a cool idea to encourage people to clock in some reading 😄 6mo
CSeydel There are some that meet online also! 6mo
batsy Very cool! 6mo
BarbaraBB That would be so nice! 6mo
dabbe Kudos to your club! We should do a Litsy one online! 🤩 6mo
monkeygirlsmama @sisilia Thanks! Looks like there's one about 25-30 minutes away. Not too bad, but it's downtown and I don't like to go there alone in the evenings, plus the parking sucks. That said I may have to check it out. 6mo
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Jerry Saltz‘ apartment 😍 I want one for myself.


BethM Not enough shelves 😂 6mo
sisilia @BethM Please go to the instagram link… it‘s amazing 😃 6mo
AmyG Great apartment! Shelves and shelves and shelves. 🙌🏻 6mo
Tamra 😮 Shoes in the house?! 6mo
Ruthiella Fantastic. Life goals! 📚📚📚 6mo
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The opening quote … Hmmmmm I don‘t want to shake with fear 🤪

IuliaC Quite an opening! 😁 6mo
batsy Intriguing quote! Coincidentally I just started a book on John Donne 😁 6mo
sisilia @batsy 🤩 That‘s awesome!!! 6mo
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AmyG I just started this book. 6mo
quietlycuriouskate Well that's quite a challenging perspective! 6mo
sisilia @AmyG 🙌 6mo
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5⭐️ Wow! I‘m glad that I decided to give this book a try. What a captivating story! I love how she uses dual-timeline and that she brings in another individual as a close observer of an intense sibling rivalry. Mary Lawson is a wonderful story-teller I want to read her other books now

Tamra Lots of Lawson love here! ❤️ 6mo
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Excellent Women | Barbara Pym
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I need a good afternoon tea session one of these days 😃 For those in NYC, have you been to Tea & Sympathy? It looks good!!!


Ruthiella That looks amazing 🤩 6mo
BarkingMadRead We always go to the Plaza! 6mo
sisilia @BarkingMadRead 😍 The best place! 6mo
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TheBookHippie We do the Russian Tea Room 6mo
sisilia @Ruthiella and makes me hungry 😆 6mo
sisilia @TheBookHippie Added it to my list of places to visit ✅ 6mo
TheBookHippie @sisilia So much history it‘s amazing. 6mo
Liz_M I haven't been to Tea and Sympathy, I think. I have been to Alice's Tea Cup once or twice. 6mo
sisilia @Liz_M Ah yes, I‘ve been to Alice‘s Tea Cup UWS… what a cute place 6mo
Hooked_on_books Looks fancy! 6mo
Leftcoastzen Oh , pretty! 6mo
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Mary Olivier: A Life | May Sinclair
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Planning ahead for my Chinese New Year holiday 😄 I will be visiting my hometown for 18 days in February. First is to decide what books to bring with me 🤪

Tamra So hard and fun at the same time! 6mo
Ruthiella 18 days…are you sure only five books will be enough? 😜 6mo
sisilia @Ruthiella Haha I‘m a slow reader. I‘d be lucky if I could finish all five 😄 6mo
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Spending 1 hour on a treadmill is a chore so I have been listening to podcasts while struggling with my run/walk. And I came across this episode discussing Mary Lawson. Never heard of her, never read her books… but the interview intrigued me and Libby has the tagged book. Hurrah! I started it and kinda like her writing… it‘s engaging, too!

Ruthiella I love that podcast and their interview with Lawson was wonderful. 6mo
sisilia @Ruthiella Indeed! It‘s my go-to podcast, together with Backlisted and Unburried Books 6mo
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Forgot to post this. Books (from my shelves) I read in 2023 🥳 Meanwhile, I bought more than these in 2023 🙈

Ruthiella Beautiful stack! I love the colorful NYRB classics juxtaposed against the dove gray Persephones. 😍 6mo
sisilia @Ruthiella Teeheee 😆 thank you ! 6mo
batsy Such an impressive stack! 6mo
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sisilia @batsy 😘 6mo
Liz_M OOOoooh, I spy The Long Ships, a fast-reading viking adventure story! And @JenniferP recently read and raved about The Seventh Cross. (edited) 6mo
sisilia @Liz_M I loved The Long Ships! Thanks to NYRB for publishing it. Another adventure book that I adore is Arabia Felix. The Seventh Cross was a reread for me in 2023. A brilliant story-telling, and a much better read than Segher‘s other novel Transit 6mo
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The Pumpkin Eater | Penelope Mortimer
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4⭐️ I don‘t hate this book but I don‘t love it, either. The writing is wonderful eventhough the tone and theme is soooo depressing I don‘t know why I chose this to start the new year. She probably wrote this to cope with her mental issues. I‘d love to know if she wrote it to let the world know how bad her husband had been to her.

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A quiet period between Christmas and Chinese New Year 😀

Liz_M I love the painting! Who is the artist? 6mo
sisilia @Liz_M I have no idea 🙈 Grabbed this from Pinterest 6mo
Gissy Beautiful painting 😍👌 6mo
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