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NASA's Voyager Missions
NASA's Voyager Missions: Exploring the Outer Solar System and Beyond | Ben Evans
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2022 marks the 45th anniversary of the Voyager probe launches. Launched into space in 1977, these twin probes explored the farthest reaches of the Solar System before venturing on a one-way journey beyond, all the while testing the bounds of science, robotic exploration and our collective imagination. This heavily revised commemorative book takes a comprehensive look at their incredible achievements, future potential and overall legacy. Chronicled herein is an epic journey to unveil the mysterious outer reaches of the Solar System for the first time. The book recounts the Voyagers’ travels through the asteroid belt and past the giant gaseous planets Jupiter and Saturn, as well as Voyager 2’s forays near the distant ice giants Uranus and Neptune. Each chapter details in full the game-changing scientific data and glorious imagery they sent back to Earth. This new edition incorporates all the new data we have learned in the nearly 20 years since its original publication, discussing how the knowledge first gleaned with Voyager has been built upon in subsequent decades by Cassini, Juno and New Horizons. The Voyager probes captured imaginations around the world; now is an opportune time to reflect on their unparalleled quest across the edges of the Solar System and the enigmatic interstellar medium beyond.
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Voyager 1 is back online! What an amazing piece of technology. 47 years into a 5-year mission, both Voyager 1 and 2 are in interstellar space, having escaped the influence of the sun's solar winds and magnetic field. It takes almost two days to see how Voyager 1 will react to a command sent from Earth.


eskoch28 Amazing! 2w
Bookwomble Incredible! I remember being excited about the knowledge we could look forward to when the Voyager spacecraft were first launched: it's amazing that they're still operating. Thanks for posting the link 😊 1w
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