Merry Festivus, to those who celebrate 🥳
#BookHaul #Christmas
All cultural histories, in one way or another.
Being the time of year it is, I couldn't resist a book about that quintessential seasonal animal that sums up the spirit of good cheer & holiday companionship: the Christmas Squid🎄🦑🎄
Lancashire legend holds that the squid climbs up the outhouse drain with its packet of gifts, which it deposits with its tentacle through the coalhouse ⬇️
Bookwomble ... window. I remember many a childhood Christmas Eve listening out for the squelch-slither of Father Squidmas, followed by a crunching sound as he ate the crabs we'd left out for him 🦀 On Christmas morning, we knew he'd been when we found his beak-marks on the broken crab shells, & ink stains and fishy mucus on the wrapping paper. Funny, we never made the connection with dad's dark-stained fingers and the slime marks on mum's Christmas jumper 😄 1w
Bookwomble Wishing everybody a fantastic holiday, whatever that is for you 💖 1w
Soubhiville 😆🤣🦑 I love a festive cephalopod! I celebrated this month with 1w
Secrets of the Octopus
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Luke-XVX A festivus for the rest of us 1w
quietlycuriouskate 😆 Merry Squidmas! 1w
Ruthiella Happy Festivus to you too! Let the airing of grievances begin! 1w
CarolynM Appropriate seasonal greetings to you 😊 7d
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