Working at the weekend to fund more books and/or a holiday. The capitalism continues
Working at the weekend to fund more books and/or a holiday. The capitalism continues
New book bag, guaranteed to make fragile dickheads whine.
Look who broke their own no-buy rule. I‘m now £X amount further away from the Japan trip but I guess I‘ll live.
Just back from a preview screening of this! So good. Very much not the film you expect it to be.
I‘m pretty sure I read the book in my pre-teens. My parents would let me watch and read anything I wanted. Guess that‘s why I turned out to be heathen vegan pinko
Probably my favourite Jawbreaker album.
Sadly only seen them play once.
Anyone else on Fable? I probably don‘t need another app like this but here we are.
Two gifts from the weekend. Viva pals.
I did read The Chrysalids in my early teens. Shout out to the formative Wyndham Youth !
Dug out my musty copy so I‘m ready to go! How I wish I could‘ve afforded the fancy Folio editions from a few years back.
I keep meaning to participate in #tuesdaytunes & then get distracted by literally anything. Anyway, I listened to this a couple of times at work today. Essay over.
Started today at work, my third Malfi I believe.
This weekend I‘ve been reading the first few chapters of this and finishing off an array of mostly average to fine graphic novels.
My local indie bookshop with the first of (hopefully many) genre events! Just got my ticket! In the past I‘ve only been to comic artist/writers events so this will be a 2025 first for me!
https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-folklore-podcast/id1135039882?i=100068... One of my favourite podcasts speaking to the man of the moment. Enjoy.
My preorder came in! Now to stick to a no new book buy for 2025. The money I regularly spend on books will hopefully go a long way towards paying for planned trips to Japan later this year and hopefully a sleeper train trip to Edinburgh. I have no shortage of reading materials. My tbr is overflowing with books/comics/zines &,rulebooks.
“Beep beep Richie”
I loved The Pale House Devil so I‘m diving into Richard‘s other works.
Good ol‘ Mum coming through with the literal fire. Even though I prefer physical books, I can‘t wait to get some Richard Chizmar, Joe R Lansdale & Tony Hillerman on it because it‘s a real struggle getting a lot of their releases here in the UK.
Working on Christmas Eve sucked but I did get to start this today.
Shaping up for a wyld Saturday night.
Happy anniversary, for those who celebrate.
Saturday purchases. I‘m in the tiniest of minorities with not liking Piransei at all, so let‘s see if I enjoy this. I believe I‘m two books behind with ROL so I have more catching up to do.
I‘m in the mood for fantasy with terrible cover art. Let‘s see how this goes.
I really hope this picks up,I loved his previous novel.
Back to work tomorrow after a week off so I‘m letting the escapism last as long as possible !
Another new pickup!
I didn‘t realise it was a horror romance but I‘m surprised at how good it is so far. It won‘t hurt to come out of my comfort zone!
Week off work so I‘m catching up on some trades
My Bookshop day haul.
Behold the wonder of my SW cushion!
Thank you local Oxfam. I‘ve wanted this edition for ages