Birthday.book haul! What an amazingly wonderful day I have had. Lots of friends, fellowship and FOOD! And these books to remember it by. Which do I read first Littens?
Birthday.book haul! What an amazingly wonderful day I have had. Lots of friends, fellowship and FOOD! And these books to remember it by. Which do I read first Littens?
Waverly, Kate, & Amy are the kind of adult best friends I've always longed for--they have regular pal dates, call each other often, & go on annual vacations together. On the surface, all appears normal and happy...but each woman is hiding her own troublesome realities from the others. This book is about friendship & that elusive sense of perfection; the things we hide in our closest relationships & the choices we make out of obligation. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Baby and I are hanging out at school waiting for the husband to arrive. My Frankenfoot is now looking a bit purple/blue tinged and there's some red in my leg, so we're headed to the doc for a doppler to rule out a blood clot. Meanwhile, I'm rolling through this read, which someone posted about a few weeks ago. They couldn't remember the author but the story sounded good...so I put it on my list when the title was identified!
Day 7: I find if I hear too much about the emotional punch of a book it tends not to have as big an effect on me. When I picked this up, I was expecting a lighter, palate cleansing book. I wasn't anticipating the gut punch that left me sobbing on the couch with a box of Kleenex. #mademecry #somethingforsept