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Joined February 2016

Cook, baker, gardener, runner, knitter, wife, stepmom, Bulldog mom, dancer to music no one can hear, and of course, reader & book lover. 🤓
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Once an Eagle by Anton Myrer
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1y
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March #bookspin!

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 1y
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Snow day means teleworking. In other words listening to work related podcasts while working on my library 🤓

Cinfhen 😂😂🙌🏻 1y
Gissy I like your bookshelves 1y
LiteraryinLawrence So pretty! Even though it‘s winter where I live it‘s 65 degrees today… no snow any time soon! 1y
marleed Your shelves!! 1y
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This is headed your way @mabell ! And spoiler alert - it was my favorite book of January! Enjoy! 🤓

mabell Great! That‘s high praise! 1y
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And #doublespin for February 💖

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 1y
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February #bookspin list 🥰

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 1y
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I only managed to get one read off the #auldlangspine list from @mrsmarch but it was delightful! It was sweet without being saccharine without too much teen angst and a good message.
I‘m hoping to get to a few more read off the list throughout the year. Thanks for another fun swap @monalyisha ! 🤓

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My reading buddy.

dabbe Oh, goodness! Those adorable wrinkles! I want to kiss them! ❣️🐾❣️ 2y
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This book is warped, but I am thinking of cutting out these two pages to frame and put in my library. Everyone calls me Panda and I love gin, so they seem perfect. I‘m not a terribly awful person if I cut pages out of a book, right? (Sorry for the language!)

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I was really liking you Liz Lighty, I really was. 🤣

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My husband says we need dinner, but do we really? I mean how can I go make dinner being this close to finishing?

Soubhiville I loved this book. 2y
tracey38 I've heard good things about this one. And really, they can fend for themselves if they really need dinner, right? 👩‍🍳😄 2y
Aims42 Your husband sounds like mine 😂 I always keep some canned soup on hand for nights like that lol 2y
Amandajoy @tracey38 & @Aims42 he knows I‘ll make something because I need leftovers for lunch tomorrow 2y
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My #bookspin, #doublespin, & #roll100 selections for January. Now let‘s see how many I get to…

PuddleJumper Good luck! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Trying to keep up with #weeklyforecast posts this year to hopefully keep me on track with my reading goals. We‘ll see how that goes. 🤓

Bklover Let us know what you think of Pioneers. I have it on my shelf collecting dust! 2y
mabell Checking in again - Have you finished In Bibi‘s Kitchen and Home Economics? Jill is still waiting for Bibi for January, and I‘m supposed to send Home Economics to her by the end of January. 😬 2y
Amandajoy @mabell I just sent Bibi‘s Kitchen off yesterday - you should have it Tuesday. I‘m in the middle of Home Economics and hope to finish this weekend. I‘m so sorry about the delays! 2y
mabell Great! I‘ll keep an eye out! 2y
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If you use a magnifying glass, you can see my 2022 reads 🤣

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A smattering of StoryGraph stats from my 2022 reading year. I find their stats delightful.

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It‘s 10 am and the hubby‘s not up, which means quiet time to start my first book of the year. An #auldlangspine pick from @mrsmarch that was also on my 2021 list from @MallenNC . Here we go!🎢

Librariana It's 9:15 for us and my hubby is asleep, too so I'm gonna start my first read of the year! 2y
Librariana Also! Good luck with your read ☺️😊 2y
mrsmarch I love the look of those cookies! I‘ve spent my day making a vat of chicken stock and some cookies and putting away the Christmas tree. 2y
MallenNC I did enjoy that one! I hope you do too. 2y
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Thank you @BeaG for the lovely #winterwonderlandswap gifts. The books look fantastic & I‘m super excited for the book sleeve (it‘s my first one!) The ear muffs made me way more excited than a pair of ear muffs should, they are so soft and cozy. My husband & I both like the smell of the candle which is amazing in and of itself. (The bottom picture is him hitting the box with the bottle of champagne - why? I don‘t know.) Thanks again!

Chrissyreadit Ohh fun! I love the picture of you in the ear muffs! 2y
Avanders Love that book sleeve! 🤩 Happy New Year! 🎇❄️💙 2y
TheBookHippie Oh I love this!!!! 2y
S3V3N @Amandajoy I‘m glad the earmuffs and book sleeves were a hit! I know how the cold walks with our fur babies feel. LOL Enjoy! 2y
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Reading adjacent goal is to finish up my library and spend more time in it reading.

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Reading goals for the new year. I‘m going to try really hard to focus on my own books in 2023.

CBee “Read my own damn books” 😂😂 Yes!! Also, I pretty much gave up Facebook and have never been happier - Litsy is really my only social media. (edited) 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Haha!! Love #1🤣🤣 2y
MrsV 🤣 I‘m going to have to adopt #1 for myself too! 2y
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…and for my #doublespin I have all audio books under 8 hours, because there‘s no way I could get two chunksters listened to in a month.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 2y
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Doing something new for this year‘s #bookspin. All my choice are audio books longer than 12 hours. I‘m trying to get a “chunk” of them off my TBR…

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
Clwojick I just finished this one this month, and really enjoyed it. 2y
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Went with my stepdaughter to the B&N sale and made out like a bandit (she already put hers away.) Now I‘m introducing her to Silence if the Lambs.

Tamra I love the tagged book! 😋 2y
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We‘ve been together for five years and my husband finally bought me a book! He‘s active duty Air Force, but between growing up in the AF, active duty, and reserves, I‘ve spent the last 41 years around the Air Force. The inscription is hilarious and includes all kinds of cliches we‘ve endured while serving together.

BkClubCare Thank you both for your service 🇺🇸 2y
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Thank you @Graciouswarriorprincess I‘ve been wanting to read this one! And the chocolates look delicious! Thanks @MaleficentBookDragon for setting this up again this year! #jolabokaflodswap

Rachel.Rencher This book was SO good!! 2y
Graciouswarriorprincess So glad that you like it! I accidentally received two copies from BOTM and was waiting to pass on a copy! It is so good!! Happy reading!!! 2y
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The Christmas Book Flood | Emily Kilgore
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My #jolabokaflod package is here @Graciouswarriorprincess ! (We haven‘t checked mail in a couple of days so it may have been here earlier.)

Graciouswarriorprincess Hurray! Enjoy and happy reading! 2y
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The Perfume Thief: A Novel | Timothy Schaffert
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My new library chair came in! The library‘s not finished, but I‘m going to sit here in my new chair and finish my book.

Bibliomania Cosy :) 2y
Bklover Oh isn‘t it wonderful to be able to turn your head and see all those books!!? Enjoy your new chair! 2y
AmyG Enjoy!!! I have a little library where I read and it‘s the best! 2y
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Persuasion | Jane Austen
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Dang it! I‘m always a day late! #Pemberlittens

LeahBergen 😆😆 2y
Chrissyreadit I love this! 2y
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The Great Book Swap | Alan Mitchell
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I forgot to take a picture, but I think I mailed my #winterwonderlandswap box. I did pickup and they took the box but I‘m not sure I paid for it and I don‘t have a tracking number, so I‘m confused. @Pigpen_Reads if you don‘t get it in a few days, let me know.

Pigpen_Reads I'll keep an eye out for it :) 2y
Pigpen_Reads Hi, can you email me at pigpen.reads@gmail.com 😊 2y
Amandajoy @Pigpen_Reads I just sent you a message 2y
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Chrissyreadit Do you know if I can confirm it was mailed? 😆 2y
Amandajoy @Chrissyreadit it got there. There‘s just a minor issue with pickup, but we‘ve worked it out. I‘ll just say, I don‘t recommend using USPS‘s pickup service. 2y
Chrissyreadit Awesome!! Thank you!!! 2y
Mccall0113 Nothing better than a bulldog! 2y
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The Christmas Swap | Sandy Barker
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My #jolabokaflodswap is on the way to its Litten! I also received my #winterwonderlandswap package, but I can‘t find the person it‘s from on Litsy…

TheBookHippie Oy. @Chrissyreadit can you look it up? I can‘t find my papers 😂😵‍💫💙❄️ 2y
Chrissyreadit @TheBookHippie yup will check in moments. 2y
Chrissyreadit @BeaG I think this was the package you sent? It has arrived! 2y
S3V3N @Amandajoy @Chrissyreadit Yes, it‘s from me! I‘m sorry I forgot to put my tag on it.🤦🏾‍♀️ 2y
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hello! hello! | Matthew Cordell
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#allaboutme #auldlangspine
🌼 I‘ve been married to a wonderful man & stepmom to two great kids (we get along!) for three years
🌼 I have a Bulldog named Gus, who is usually very sweet, often a pill, & likes to interrupt my reading
🌼 My stepkids call me Panda (it‘s also my call sign)
🌼 I‘m in the Air Force Reserves & will retire this year
🌼 I used to be a registered dietitian, but now I‘m a government contractor
🌼 I live in Omaha, Nebraska

mabell Gus looks like a sweet handful! ❤️🐶 2y
Sleepswithbooks I love your #allanoutme! Do you rent out Gus for weekend sleepovers? He looks like a loaf of love 🥰 2y
monalyisha Oh my gosh, that picture on the bottom right melts my heart! 😍 2y
Amandajoy @sleepswithbooks I don't rent him out, but I may have to start. Some people at my work were asking the same thing! 2y
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Once Upon a River | Diane Setterfield
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Lovely list @mrsmarch ! I‘ve already read City of Brass and the adult version of Stamped. I have Once Upon a River on audio and All That She Carried in print, so I‘ll start there. This is the second time my #auldlangspine list has had You Should See Me in a Crown, so I definitely feel I should read that one! I‘m looking forward to diving in! Thank you for running the show @monalyisha !

monalyisha Love your graphic! How funny about You Should See Me in a Crown. 👑 Hope you have fun! ✨ 2y
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Last #bookspin & #doublespin for the year!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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For Auld Lang Syne | Ray Woodward
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I grabbed a cup of coffee & leisurely filled out the form for #auldlangspine with the list I‘ve been lovingly curating for the past 10 months, because this is one of my favorite Litsy events. Thank you @monalyisha for hosting & the early sign up! And I like the name change, since I always messed up the old name! 😂

monalyisha What a lovely note and hilariously perfect graphic. Thank you! 🥳🙏🏻 2y
BennettBookworm Absolutely agree! 2y
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One Vote, Two Votes, I Vote, You Vote | Bonnie Worth, Katherine Ross
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I went to the wrong polling place to start, but I got it done!

Texreader Yay!! 2y
monalyisha Ha! Glad you worked it out. 😅 Remember to email me, too, to complete the process, so that I know where to send your early access link on the 20th. You can do that at monalitsy@gmail.com. 2y
Amandajoy And done! @monalyisha 😊 2y
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Here are a few suggestions I have on my cookbook shelf. Anything look appetizing? #LPMC

Bookwormjillk These all look amazing but I‘m leaning towards Bibis Kitchen and Smoke and Pickles 2y
mabell All sound great! I have Smoke and Pickles (we went to a signing and food tasting, which was awesome!), but I‘d be happy to go through it with the group! Like most cookbooks on my shelves, I haven‘t really delved into it! All of these sound terrific 😊 2y
JamieArc How fun to have a group do cookbooks! 2y
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Maria514626 Bibis Kitchen and Jubilee are my picks. They all look great! 2y
Amandajoy @Bookwormjillk @mabell @Maria514626 I think I‘m going to go with In Bibi‘s Kitchen! 2y
Maria514626 🙌🙌🙌 I look forward to reading this—and trying out some recipes! (edited) 2y
mrsmarch I have Jubilee! It‘s great! 2y
mabell Just checking - did you send In Bibi‘s Kitchen on? I haven‘t received it yet 😬 2y
Amandajoy @mabell I have not! I‘m so sorry! I‘ve been driving the struggle bus this month. I‘ll mail it off early next week. 2y
mabell @Amandajoy Sounds good! No problem! December is quite a month 2y
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November #bookspin & #doublespin. I‘m only one book behind in my listening, so I picked some shorter ones this month.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman
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About to have a very long day at a swim meet. Good thing I have a good book with me.

Eudaimonia | Meghan Godwin
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Sat in traffic for an hour and a half (why Omaha?), but it was worth it to pick up my preorder of this book from my local indie. And not to brag or anything, but I am related to the author. I know what I‘m reading this weekend!

NovelGirl82 Oh this looks good! ETA: release date is the day I‘ll be coming home from my trip! Looks like I can pick it up then for some weekend reading while I‘m doing laundry! Yay! (edited) 2y
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October #bookspin & #doublespin. This year is flying by!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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They‘re finally here!

julesG 😍😍😍 2y
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I was supposed to mow the lawn today since my husband is gone for work. But it‘s been raining all day, so I was forced to watch Austen inspired movies and read instead. Poor me.☺️

marleed Oh, the struggle ;) 2y
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Eudaimonia | Meghan Godwin
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I‘m super excited to be the first one to post on my cousin‘s debut novel! And I‘m doubly excited to read it in November!

Make It Sweet | Kristen Callihan
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Good use for the new projector & surround sound - putting on an ambience room from YouTube while I read. 🤓 (Gus decided to photo bomb.)

sarahbellum Aww we have a Gus too! 🐶 2y
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September #bookspin and #doublespin.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Hanging out with my reading buddy this evening.

Leftcoastzen Awww!🐶 2y
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I‘m only a week late, but here‘s my July wrap up. Apparently I was in a cleaning/organizing mood.

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Audio #bookspin for August 🥳

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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The Give Away Book | Scott Harpole
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Y‘all! I got rid of some books! Taking them to goodwill today so I don‘t have time to think about it. 🤓

MallenNC I‘m very impressed! I have GOT to work on this myself. My shelves are overflowing again. 2y
JenReadsAlot I'm actually going to do this today too! 2y
Amandajoy @MallenNC my books are still in bins awaiting new shelves, so I went through each bin super quick and stuck them in the donate box right away. It also helps that I‘ve read almost all of Dana White‘s books this month and I was feeling inspired. 2y
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Amandajoy @JenReadsAlot good luck! 2y
MallenNC @Amandajoy Good for you. I read one of her books before my last move. It helped a lot! But my habits have crept back in. Maybe I should read her again. 2y
Amandajoy @MallenNC I like her books because she keeps it realistic about it all being a never ending process. Good luck! 2y
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Chairs: a history | Florence de Dampierre
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Reading chairs. I‘m looking for on for my library. Do I go with this very comfy dad chair (that my stepdaughter is testing), which is not at all what I had envisioned. Or do I keep looking for the “perfect” reading chair?

Make a Scene | Mimi Grace
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After almost 2 1/2 years, CoVID finally got me. I have my snuggle buddy, some light reading, and lots of fluids. Gonna try to take it easy. Maybe I‘ll finish a book or two? 🤒

brittanyreads I hope it's a mild case and you're back to new in a few days! I just had it too for the first time. 2y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Hope you feel better soon! 2y
Oryx Feel better soon ❤️ 2y
Megabooks Get well soon 💜 2y
UwannaPublishme Hope you‘re feeling better! 2y
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