A rather predictable Regency romance, but with a few twists that kept my interest. Not great literature, but a nice diversion. I wanted something light, and this fit the bill.
My cardinal friend definitely does not qualify as plain 😄
A rather predictable Regency romance, but with a few twists that kept my interest. Not great literature, but a nice diversion. I wanted something light, and this fit the bill.
My cardinal friend definitely does not qualify as plain 😄
Ken has spent the day as a judge at the state science fair, and I‘ve had a relaxing day at our son‘s home, with lots of reading time. This is Pebbles, who has been my reading buddy. This has included walking across my Kindle 😂
It‘s been a while since I‘ve spent an hour reading in a medical office. Ken has PT for his elbow, and we‘re leaving straight from here for Orlando and a visit with our son‘s family. It would be fine if the waiting room wasn‘t so cold 😂
I did it again. I fell for a Kindle freebie. It looks like some brain candy, something that I can read and still watch the basketball games 😄