In a world this noisy, we are not afforded a lot of these opportunities. The more hectic life becomes, the less time we seem to be able to find for ourselves. For me, nothing remedies this like asphalt, yellow lines, and some far-off destination.
In a world this noisy, we are not afforded a lot of these opportunities. The more hectic life becomes, the less time we seem to be able to find for ourselves. For me, nothing remedies this like asphalt, yellow lines, and some far-off destination.
I‘ve read this once all the way through and in passages multiple times. It‘s balm for my soul when I need a reminder that everything does not suck and that sometimes the journey is hard but the reward is far beyond anything we could expect. I can‘t recommend this enough, as a spiritual journey and as a road trip memoir. It‘s in my top five for nonfiction. It‘s poetic, profound, funny, and beautiful.
Donald Miller's works always leave me wishing I had lived an adventure or two of his. Always. Because he so vividly describes simple events which aren't so simple.He writes what we are thinking, which is what he's thinking. What is our life really about? And if God is involved in it, does He care? Fantastic read. Humorous. Applicable. Beautiful language mixed with the guy-next-door voice -easy writing that makes you wish you'd thought of it first.