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Joined June 2016

Bibliophile. Writer. Reader. Favors classics and MG. www.heatherspiva.com
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Pretty. Dang. Hilarious. And interesting! Almost done with it and it‘s a fantastic and light read. Highly recommend for those who know and love this film. #asyouwish

Beverly, Right Here | Kate DiCamillo
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DiCamillo‘s writing always leaves me astounded. This book was brilliant. Enormous character development (as much as you can in a middle grade) and gorgeous writing. The book is alive. And here‘s a secret: all of her books are made for adults. In my world, I think they‘re actually more for us grown-up children than the young-adult children. Which is truly the most brilliant aspect of her writing. Thank you Kate. Now, read it! #beverlyrighthere

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“That was the day before yesterday.” Hemingway starts chapter three with this sentence. And I think it sums up his succinct, to-the-point, no fluff writing. I kinda wish more people wrote this way. Oh, and this book is so good. I‘ve read a lot of Hemingway, but never this one. I‘ve been missing out! It‘s phenomenally simple and complex. Per usual. #hemmingway

The Gown: A Novel | Jennifer Robson
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Half way through. Fantastic historical fiction. Great read for those who love history, particularly the royal family, and vintage clothing! 📖

Love and Ruin: A Novel | Paula McLain
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This book 💙 Wonderful historical fiction about Ernest Hemingway and future wife. 1/3 way through and loving every bit of it. #hemingway

Louisiana's Way Home | Kate DiCamillo
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Every time I finish a DiCamillo book, I sit and think about it. I do it because I‘m sure that‘s her point behind the book. And I do it because I can‘t not think about it. This book is stupendous - love it beyond expression. I preordered this book 4 months ago and it was worth the wait. DiCamillo is a master story-teller, master writer, and master heart-wrencher. Read it. It‘s for adults or kids. Read it now. #louisianaswayhome #katedicamillo

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100 Cupboards | N. D. Wilson
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Loved the story. Loved the characters. Writing was good ... but I was confused. A lot. Wished editing had been tighter. Characters a tad more developed ( in dialogue only). And words cut! Less would‘ve been a lot more, in this case. Still though, very creative. Hoping the second is even better. And I‘d still recommend this book!

The Graveyard Book | Neil Gaiman
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What a wonderful book. Yes, ghosts, ghouls and spirits were involved. And it was well done. Fantastic story line of hope and restoration, a long with the classic MG concept of coming of age. Gorgeous details. Loved it #neilgaiman #thegraveyardbook

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This book reads more like an autobiography than a how-to, so I wasn‘t expecting the format. But, it was a nice surprise. Cait is a wonderful writer and has unique way of showing how to help us —through her experiences— in our future lives of less ... without having to bullet point it all. I was a bit depressed though with her baggage — and yet aren‘t we all going through stuff? This “baggage” makes her relatable. I get it. I recommend reading it.

A Grief Observed | C.S. Lewis
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I‘ve read this several times. Seems like every time I read it, the words become more and more relevant. And more heart-breaking. Incredibly honest. Incredibly relatable. Grief is real. And this book makes me feel like None of us are alone in this valley we traverse. Happy #worldbookday 📖 #cslewis

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Doll Bones | Holly Black
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This book is a gem. It‘s a middle grade read that all would love. This is actually my second read through. And to be honest, I severely disliked — both times— the first chapter. I‘m not sure if it‘s the lack of simplicity or too much of a character dump, but it felt overwhelming and confusing. My advice: ignore that part. Come chapter two — and the rest of book— it all works perfectly. Highly recommend. Rich characters. Thick setting. Memorable.

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Cannot wait to start my newest read! Vintage + writing = perfect (the women part is a bonus!) 🎉 Have only read the introduction thus far, but it looks phenomenal.

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One of the best writing books out there. Hands down. Not sure why it took me so long to finally read it. Wish I'd read it in college. Should've been required reading if not for the undergrad degree, then the grad. It's truly one of the best, next to Stephen King's and Natalie Goldberg's. You'll laugh. And ... laugh some more. Thank you Anne. Your humor saves my sanity. Actually, it saves all of our sanity. #Annelamott #birdbybird

Love, Aubrey | Suzanne Lafleur
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Gem of a book. The voice of Aubrey is vivid and true. Great writing. A perfect middle grade read.

The Snow Child | Eowyn Ivey
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This book is a work of art. It'll be with me for weeks. Exquisite writing. Beautiful setting. Enchanted story. Highly, highly recommend. #thesnowchild #readit

Libby1 I agree wholeheartedly. 8y
Joy4Lit @Libby1 I was overwhelmed. Such a phenomenal read. 👍 8y
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The Snow Child | Eowyn Ivey
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This book is a masterpiece. Just incredible. And these lines here, they sum up hope. They sum up a reason for everything. #thesnowchild #eowynivey 🌲

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Gosh, I hate not finishing books. But after a quarter way through -- and knowing I have other books I want to read-- I put it down. Great writing but didn't engage me. :( It frustrates me that I couldn't get into the books momentum. Because I know the goodness was there...

Lchnessmnstr Something clicked for me at the half way point. I loved the whimsy and fun of it but I didn't get hooked until it all became serious. 8y
Joy4Lit @Lchnessmnstr Good to know! I'll pick it up again soon and give it another go. #fingerscrossed 8y
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Out of the Dust | Karen Hesse
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Haunting, beautiful, unique. I'll have to read it again but my word. I'm in awe of it. Just overwhelmed. Gorgeous work. Also, being a huge fan (and wearer) of vintage '30s dresses, I can also imagine the "house dresses" right along side it. Just an incredible work of art, this book. #karenhesse #outofthedust

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If you've read the original, take a quick trip in Doc Martin's DeLorean to today and read this edition. Great Scott! It's so good. And what we social-media-obsessed people need. i. e. those of us who have trouble communicating with real, live, actual people. lol. I jest. And yet, I don't. This "getting along" with people is so important to a fulfilling life, I'd call this book essential. Such a relevant read. Btw, the guy who wrote this edition=?

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Holes | Louis Sachar
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Dude. Ok. If you've seen the movie, do yourself a favor and read the book. Holy ... well, Holy Holes. Such a great story. A bit diverse and tangent-ish in the start with two different stories but it seamlessly comes together at the end - and the reader says "Ah, I see what you did there. And why." Super characters. Unusual locale which makes for an entertaining read. Just read it. Newberry winner for a reason, folks. #readit #holes #louissachar

Holes | Louis Sachar
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Am reading, but am also distracted by the Filson catalog. And the puppers. #filson #holes #louissachar #amreading #sorta #catalogs #doesthatcount

Tanzy13 🐶 8y
Joy4Lit @Tanzy13 😉🐶🐾 8y
SheReadsAndWrites ♥️🐶🤓 8y
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Very good. For me, this was in between "pick" and "so so." Great character development, great writing, believable protagonist, but I wasn't drawn to her as I am to others. And I'm not sure why. Which irritates me I can't put into words why I didn't like it enough. Still a great read, won a Newberry as it should've, just wanted MORE from the protag. More something. #doreadittho #thehigherpoweroflucky

Crenshaw | Katherine Applegate
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Such an amazing read. Absolutely loved this middle grade story. Of course, well-written and covers important topics like homelessness, hunger, and loneliness, but with perfect words that all can read and love. And relate to. Sweet story. Real story. Highly recommend. #crenshaw

CouronneDhiver I liked this one too, so cute! 8y
Joy4Lit @CouronneDhiver Yes! Oh my gosh. Such great writing. The story will stick with me. ☺️ 8y
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The Master Key System | Charles F. Haanel
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I underlined this book like I was going to have a final on it at the end of reading it. It's insane. Quantum physics + mixed with hope + truth + work = success in ALL that you do. That alone should make you want to read this book. Like, yesterday. Written a hundred years ago but as modern sounding and relevant today. Go. Read it. Change your life. #readit #now #themasterkeysystem #charlesfhaanel

When You Reach Me | Rebecca Stead
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Holy. Moly. What a phenomenal middle-grade read. Just so good. For kids or adults, a fantastic read. Perfect voice and I love the lead protagonist's POV. Wonderful plot twist. Perfection. Obviously a Newbery Medal Winner for a reason. #readit #now #rebeccastead #whenyoureachme

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Fantastic book. I'm already an embracer of slow living and slow dressing, so this book was a wonderful reminder that the best of life is the simple and getting to where we want to be -- goal-wise-- is attainable best by slowing to get to it first.

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This book will get you as you get it. Ladies, do you have an injured heart in any shape or form? From your past or because you can't see your future? This book applies to you. My gosh, this lady knows how to write. And she's funny. #bonuspoints Highly recommend. Revelations in each chapter. Loved it. #univited #lysaterkeurst

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Fantastic writing. Hits so close to home. There's room for all of us to write. And write something amazing. Such beautiful writing. Her voice is down-to-earth yet eloquent and all-knowing, like a teacher: I'm in awe. Thumbs up!👍

Quantum Faith | Annette Capps
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Woah. Words have power, my friends. More than we know. i. e. What we speak is what we get. This tiny book packs a punch. Read it. *** Meanwhile, perfect day!

The old man and the sea | Ernest Hemingway
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You know, I've read this book maybe a half dozen times. And each time I think, "Maybe this time it won't be as interesting. Maybe this time, I'll close the book mid-way through and not finish it." Nope. Never happens. Hemingway's writing is such that when you read his work, it's like having a convo with your friend. And you have to listen the whole way through. Every time. His work enraptures you, as all great storytellers should. A+ Mr. Hemingway

SheReadsAndWrites Craig and Thing 2 read this every year. ❤it. 8y
Joy4Lit @SheWritesRomance Not surprised. 🙌So good. 8y
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Brevity is the key to perfection. So here's the review: If you write, read this. Yesterday. #yourewelcome #theartofslowwriting #louisedesalvo (It's a fantastic, encouraging read.)

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My review of this book (last post) had me using "Kate" instead of DiCamillo or Kate DiCamillo. This is strictly because "Kate" is 4 characters long and DiCamillo is 9--and Kate DiCamillo is 13 characters--and I run out of room in my reviews if I use the 13. So, I FULLY respect Kate DiCamillo. But, I use "Kate" for space. Yes? :) *I love these lines. ?And I love this Dr. Meescham, would love to meet her & sit on her horsehair sofa. #katedicamillo

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As if anything from Kate isn't unusually good? Yeah. This one is incredible. Such rich character detail, wonderful story, humorous like you wouldn't believe (actually, you would if you knew Kate's writing). I laughed so much. And I really like that Spiver character: partly because of his great vocab and ridiculous "handicap," and partly because he's Flora's (unlikely) helper, and mostly because if you say MY last name fast, it comes out Spiver. ?

The One and Only Ivan | Katherine Applegate
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Fantastic book. I especially like that it was based in truth. That's a big bonus. Wonderful POV, loved the personification of the animals. Let's talk about the writing. It's hard to write for kids. Harder than most writing. Applegate is brilliant, real, to the point: all things necessary for not just a good story but for exceptionally witty minds...the children. Happy endings are nice. This one was very nice. #theoneandonlyivan #katherineapplegate

Hatchet | Gary Paulsen
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I always wondered why I didn't get to read this book as a 6th grade "required reading" when my boys did. Then I realized I was in 6th grade WHEN this book came out. And it has taken me 30 years to finally read it. Loved it. Love Paulsen's writing style. Brian is a believable character, too.✔️I've read others' reviews who think his character as not so deep, but my gosh, YOU try talking to a 13 year-old-boy. Words are scarce. Realistic indeed. A+

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Donald Miller's works always leave me wishing I had lived an adventure or two of his. Always. Because he so vividly describes simple events which aren't so simple.He writes what we are thinking, which is what he's thinking. What is our life really about? And if God is involved in it, does He care? Fantastic read. Humorous. Applicable. Beautiful language mixed with the guy-next-door voice -easy writing that makes you wish you'd thought of it first.

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I interrupt my reading -- and probably yours -- while it's raining to bring you this lovely and applicable quote. ☺

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Raymie Nightingale | Kate DiCamillo
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Sometimes, I have to multi-task. But don't multi-task Gilmore Girls Reunion and Raymie Nightingale. Just don't. I'm showing you what NOT to do. Because this book is SO good. Raymie stayed with me long after reading it. DiCamillo creates the best characters and storyline (in my proverbial book), so if you're looking for another perfect (and semi-serious and thought-provoking kids) book, this would be it. Really. Trust me. #raymienightingale

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Gah!!! To write with the wit this lady did would be bliss. Wonderful historical fiction -- based on a lot of truth from WW2 -- is not to be missed. Written in the form of letters, it's amazing how well a story is delivered this way. It totally works!! Highly recommend. (My puppy wanted to be in the picture, too) 🐶#theguernseyliteraryandpotatopeelsociety

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This book. Written in letters. Historical fiction. Witty beyond belief... let's just say between the Pinot noir 🍷 and a portion of a Christmas hallmark movie, my evening has been swell. What am I trying to say? Read this book. Yesterday. And I plan on using that last line in the letter someday- not sure to whom. But, one day. Read it!! #itsthatgood #theguernseyliteraryandpotatopeelpiesociety

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Fantastic writing, per usual. Newberry medaled for a reason. My take-away from second reading through?
That there is always hope. In the most desperate of times, hope prevails. And wins. #katedicamillo #thetaleofdespereaux

elainemckinley Absolutely one of the best! I‘m reading it to my 3rd grade class right now, so many great lessons in here—as with all of her books! 7y
Joy4Lit @elainemckinley Yes and yes!!🙌 7y
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This book is killing me. Second time reading and I'm crying all over the place. Those words = total truth. #wordporn #thetaleofdespereaux #katedicamillo

Nafiza Unless it is your mother and you have mightily pissed her off. Haha 8y
Joy4Lit @Nafiza omg. 😂so true!! 8y
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He's a mouse. But these words. His true emotion - human emotion - the way anyone who loves another with an affection they've never known before feels, they want to give "honor." Despereaux speaks honesty, love--unconditional love, regardless of trial or tragedy or insurmountable odds. That is honor. And I'm like ?? #iwantthathonor #thetaleofdespereaux #katedicamillo

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Reading for a few minutes between cooking ...and there may be a Filson catalog to my left to read, too. This book is so great. Second time reading. Trying to really catch what I missed this time. Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃#thetaleofdespereaux

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Ok. Kate is amazing. She's literally one of my favorite authors and this is THE genre I want (and have written) to write in. There's a reason this book was a Newberry Honor winner: it's INCREDIBLE. Poignant, sweet, funny, witty, and sad, whether you're an adult or kid, you need to read it. It's enjoyable every time I read it. #katedicamillo

Litlady Sold‼️ Stacking now! 🐶🐾🐶🐾🐶❤️ 8y
Joy4Lit @Litlady Yay Mary!! ☺️🐶📖 8y
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This book was great. Book basically gives back story and insight to the true Ernest Hemingway AND we get to see how the manuscript for The Sun Also Rises made him who he is -and made him one of the most famous writers of his time ... and ours. Perfect for the Hemingway fan. Or not. Mesmerizing. Feel like I need to get to Paris. Or Spain. And write!! #ernesthemingway #thesunalsorises

Desha I loved this book...one of my book clubs was reading The Sun Also Rises and I read this as well...👍🏻❤️📚☺️ 8y
DimeryRene This book also made me just want to drop everything and write/travel/drink. 8y
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Loving Kate | Lara Van Hulzen
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This book (and the others in the series): can I just tell you how much fun they are? If you like sweet romances, fun characters and happy endings, do yourself a favor and read this. (And then go back and read the rest!)
I wanted the story to keep going, I loved the characters so much. Can't wait for Lara's next story!! #laravanhulzen #sweetromance #romance

SheReadsAndWrites 😍😍😍😘 8y
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Landline | Rainbow Rowell
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I can't even begin to tell you how amazingly written this book is. Think Frequency --the phone deal--(Oh and I think of Jim Caviezel not the new series because JC is just dreamy) meets Gilmore Girls --the sister relationship age diff is so much the same as GG even though GG is mom/daughter -- and I've not even touched on storyline, dialogue, narration -ahhh! Just read it. Okay? Okay. #thanks #rainbowrowell #landline

MrBook Great review 😊👍🏻! 9y
SheReadsAndWrites I'm so glad you liked it!!! 😃 9y
Desha Jim Caviezel? Did I hear that name? (Ears perk up 😜)...#actorcrush...Person of Interest, Passion of Christ...also happens to be happily married with kids and a man of integrity....strong Catholic...! #isthereanotheroneoutthere 😜☺️😂😍❤️📚📚 (edited) 8y
Joy4Lit @Desha Preaching to the choir, lady. I know it all! He's my crush too. Lol. 😉 8y
Desha ☺️☺️☺️👍🏻👍🏻 Yup, #greatmindsthinkalike Caviezel....sigh 😍 8y
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The Catcher in the Rye | J. D. Salinger
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This book. I read this book once a year. And I literally laugh out loud every time. I can't tell you how much Holden Caulfield is someone I want to know. He's sad and lost. Yet, he sees things in a way that only those with years of sadness have learned to see things: better. "Lousy, goddamn, moron, depressed as hell." This is his vocabulary. But man, I love it! Read this book, people. It's so real. Funny. Lovable. Holden is all of us. #jdsalinger

MrBook Loved this one 👌🏻. 9y
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The Catcher in the Rye | J. D. Salinger
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I love the line "Mothers are all slightly insane." Best words ever. Because it's true. #momlife I also happen to like the line a few before that says "That guy Morrow was about as sensitive as a goddamn toilet seat." So. Awesome. If you really want to know, Salinger was never about writing cliches. He was a genius at coming up with never-heard-of analogies. #jdsalinger #thecatcherintherye #amreading #holdencaulfield

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