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Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty | Mercedes Lackey
MERCEDES LACKEY'S magical A Tale of the Five Hundred Kingdoms series continues with a captivating new adventure Heavy is the headand the eyelidsof the princess who wears the crown In Rosamund's realm, happiness hinges on a few simple beliefs. For every princess there's a prince. The King has ultimate power. Stepmothers should never be trusted. And bad things come to those who break with Tradition. But when Rosa is pursued by a murderous huntsman and then captured by dwarves, her beliefs go up in smoke. Determined to escape and save her kingdom from imminent invasion, she agrees to become the subject of one of her stepmother's risky incantationsthus falling into a deep, deep sleep. When awakened by a touchy-feely stranger, Rosa must choose between Tradition and her future between a host of eligible princes and a handsome, fair-haired outsider. And learn the difference between being a princess and ruling as a Queen."
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The Sleeping Beauty | Mercedes Lackey
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I really enjoyed this, especially from about half-way through (maybe a bit earlier) when the trials began. The trials were fun. I also loved Siegfried, who has a wonderful way with animals. He also added some great humour into the book. Rosa and Lily were strong, tough women, which I also really liked

The Sleeping Beauty | Mercedes Lackey
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TrishB Lovely version of SK - not seen that cover before! 6y
Bklover @TrishB I have the same version of SK. I bought it when it originally came out so it‘s an older cover. 6y
TrishB @Bklover I think the UK one must be different as I think I got mine when it first came out too. 6y
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Sleeping Beauty | Mercedes Lackey
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RadicalReader @JoeStalksBeck how do you like it? 7y
amywithbooks Loved this one! 7y
JoeStalksBeck @RadicalReader it‘s not bad. It‘s centered around where I live so the visuals are cool 7y
TrishB Great choice and nailed the 2 challenges 👍🏻 7y
JoeStalksBeck @TrishB thanks!❤️ 7y
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The Sleeping Beauty | Mercedes Lackey
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Sometimes I read epic historical nonfiction, and sometimes I read… Fluff. Good, romantic, magical, fairytale fluff. This one isn‘t sure if it wants to be Sleeping Beauty or Snow White, but it‘s funny and satisfying and action filled, and I liked it very much.

The Sleeping Beauty | Mercedes Lackey
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The best lackey book published in the 2000s! Great world building, lots of humor, great characters and an interesting magic system. If you read any of her more recent books, read this one! It even has dragons. #herebedragons @dragon.rider @Dragon this is the best book, I was wrong before 😄 5/5 stars.

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Sleeping Beauty | Mercedes Lackey

Great retelling of a classic fairytale!

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