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Il Capitale
Il Capitale | Carl Marx, Hengels Friedrich
Ne Il Capitale , Marx mostra e critica i meccanismi strutturali della societ borghese; questo libro considerato il suo capolavoro.Innanzitutto, a differenza dei grandi teorici delleconomia borghese, Marx ritiene che non esistano leggi universali delleconomia e che ogni formazione sociale abbia caratteri e leggi storiche specifiche; convinto che la societ borghese porti in se stessa delle contraddizioni strutturali ed persuaso che leconomia debba far uso dello schema dialettico della totalit organica.
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Das Kapital | Karl Marx
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#thankfulThursday @Cosmos_Moon

Ugh, non-readers in my family. I think my mother had to read the tagged book for a university class.

1) Pippi Longstocking intro
2) Yoga pants 😁 No appointments today until very late in the day.

@Kdgordon88 @Mollyanna @EKonrad

Cosmos_Moon Ooo, interesting, Karl Marx. I‘ve always been curious about him, but have never read any. 4y
batsy It's a great read! 😁 4y
Cosmos_Moon @nasty @julesG Well.. my library has it on Hoopla audiobook, and I just checked it out. It‘s less than 3 hours, just a quick listen on my work commutes! They have a few other Marx available, too. 4y
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julesG @Cosmos_Moon It's not a very big book, but I sure wouldn't read it for recreational purposes. 😁 4y
Cosmos_Moon 😂 I'm a big nerd, and while I love flying through a good fiction, I read some pretty dry academic books somewhat often. I have started mostly doing the more academic non-fictions as audiobooks because I don't get hung up on jargon as much and I can read while I drive or work on a puzzle. I am reading one addiction psychology hard copy right now, though. (edited) 4y
julesG @Cosmos_Moon Maybe I should insert a non-fiction sometimes. Might be as interesting as the literotica I sometimes listen to. 😆😜 4y
Cosmos_Moon 😂 😂 😂 Literotica! I didn't even know that was a word 😂 Kind of reminds me of when my friends and I turned 18 and we thought it was funny to go into porn shops... I bought some novellas, one was called “Track Meat“. I was a track runner, so I thought it would be fun. 4y
Deblovestoread Thanks for the tag! 4y
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