Essential reading. Should replace the Bible in every hotel room.
Essential reading. Should replace the Bible in every hotel room.
Stella line up of circa 20 writers discussing the impact of Dawkins‘s work. Really good.
“The Selfish Gene” by Richard Dawkins, discusses and explains the selfishness of genes in their goals of survival and repopulation. At the start of the book, Richard Dawkins brings up the theory of the primordial soup — the origin of life, where life forms were first able to rise by feeding on the organic material within the primordial soup. Despite being simple microscopic creatures, competition between them was still very imminent.
The book “The Selfish Gene”, created by Richard Dawkins, is an award winning book about the understanding of natural selection and evolution. Richard Dawkins explains and describes how genes could be both selfish and altruistic, while providing basic context behind the information to better help the reader understand. The book is packed with knowledge about evolution and natural selection, even going as far as explaining life from the start.
I really enjoyed learning about some of the common insects that we find here. And learning some facts that I never know!
Loving the colour of this baby blanket. It‘s brighter than the photo shows.
A beautiful day for reading outside while waiting to be picked up. It‘s been wet, hot, humid, stormy here and this week coming looks like a lot of the same coming. I swear it wasn‘t this tropical in Adelaide when I was a child! This is Queensland weather!
I have ways loved the idea of seeing a hatterpillar in real life. A few years ago we came across one..l10 mm long..in Belair national park. I‘m so glad we only took photos and always respect wildlife …cause ouch! And I only found that out reading this! 😳
Spending time reading at the drs while we wait to be called in. My son has foot surgery last week. We brought special bags to go over his foot to shower and of course when he tried this morning it didn‘t work…so we are waiting for bandage changes. At least it‘s quiet here!