I'm going to venture a guess that Jack Sparrow wouldn't be a fan of this not-rum-filled bottle. #BooksAndRumWhyIsItGone #WhatAWayToLive #PiratesLife
I'm going to venture a guess that Jack Sparrow wouldn't be a fan of this not-rum-filled bottle. #BooksAndRumWhyIsItGone #WhatAWayToLive #PiratesLife
#booksandrumwhyisitgone That is an easy question. Also I really do love rum but I prefer the spiced. Perhaps the label of Captiain Morgan's got to me when I was young. 😁 #PiratesLife #WhatAWayToLive
#BooksAndRumWhyIsItGone? Sigh. The bottle must have a hole...right into my gobhole! ?
Also, could be known as a drink called grog, spirits (originally rum) mixed with water. So if your were to in to your cups, people might have said you were "grog"gy!!!
Pictured are the children's novelizations of the films, complete with photographs, in the middle!
#WhatAWayToLive #PiratesLife
#booksandrumwhyisitgone Probably because I drank it. Put me on a barrier island with a bottle of rum and I turn into Captain Jack Sparrow. (Oh the spring break memories I should have...) This book looks fascinating and I think I need to add it to my #tbr.
#pirateslife #whatawaytolive