Thanks to both @Eggs and @TheSpineView for tagging me!
1. Shy, creative, dedicated.
2. I‘m actually pretty comfortable with how others perceive me.
3. Trisana Chandler from Tamora Pierce‘s Emelanbooks. ⛈
Thanks to both @Eggs and @TheSpineView for tagging me!
1. Shy, creative, dedicated.
2. I‘m actually pretty comfortable with how others perceive me.
3. Trisana Chandler from Tamora Pierce‘s Emelanbooks. ⛈
I reread a lot, because I love the comfort of knowing how the story is going to end, and I get to focus on different things, and I always find new things every time.
Most often, I reread the Circle of Magic books, the Circle Opens books, and since Dracula Daily started, I‘ve reread Dracula every year.
#SundayFunday Have a wonderful day, and don‘t forget to tag me!
I love the found family created by these four children and their teachers. I especially love reading about Lark and Rosethorn coming to care so deeply for them.
#SundayFunday If you are celebrating, happy Mother‘s Day! If you‘re not, for whatever reason, I‘m sending you my love and hope you have a wonderful day. Don‘t forget to tag me in your responses!
Bonus points, who is someone you‘d want to work on it?
For me, with every fiber of my being, I want Hayao Miyazaki to adapt Tamora Pierce‘s Emelan books into a movie series. 💖
#SundayFunday Have a wonderful day and make sure to tag me in your own posts!
I disliked this for the first 10-15 minutes of listening, but it grew on me. It was tough to keep the characters straight in my head for some reason. Once I figured them all out, it was a super fun middle grade adventure. I loved watching each character come into their own unique magic. This felt like Avatar the Last Airbender and Percy Jackson crashed into each other.
Yet another #Roll100 pick I don't remember adding. @PuddleJumper
This story is about a talented glassmaker who had his whole life ahead of him until one day it all shattered in a shocking accident. He must now learn to control his temper while using his magical glassmaking powers that now come with lighting. He has a friend that helps him learn how to control these new and unknown magical powers.
The world of Emelan. No hesitation! Craft magic, an expansive world to explore. ❤️
#SundayFunday Have a great day and remember to tag me!
I finished this whole one on the 3 hr plane ride to Toronto this morning (left at midnight 🏠🕰 and arrived at 6:30am Toronto 🕰 lol, no sleep for me) and I love it so much. Chime is easily one of my fav animal companions and it‘s a joy to be back with Little Bear and Tris is as much a match for my soul and Sandry is. Despite my annoyance with the whole ‘death must be magically bleached from existence‘ annoyance I do love this story a whole lot.
Daja is far and away my favourite (don‘t tell the others) and this book makes my heart hurt for her and for everyone who got caught up in one man‘s ego, despite the fact that they‘re all fictional.
Y‘all I Love Briar so much and he‘s such a sweet teacher and Evvy is wonderful and they teach each other in the way that also student/teacher pairs should. Not to mention this book has my favourite Tamora Pierce trope of ‘you disappeared and I lost my temper‘ while something is just Totally Destroyed in testament to said temper.