An unexpected surprise for me as THRAWN introduces the origins of Arihnda Pryce (aka Governor Pryce from the fantastic animated series "Rebels"). I'm looking forward to seeing how she intersects with Thrawn in the course of this novel. In the TV series, Governor Pryce is the one who convinces Grand Moff Tarkin to let her enlist Grand Admiral Thrawn's aid in going after the Rebels. #StarWars #Thrawn #TimothyZahn #Rebels #ArihndaPryce #GovernorPryce
Riveted_Reader_Melissa You'll enjoy this read then. Lots of backstory for both and intersections between the two characters and the show. 👍 8y
SaraFair Glad I checked these older posts as I am reading Thrawn! Thanks for connecting me to where I can see more Ahrinda. I have not seen Rebels and will have to find it. Thrawn would be a great movie and could be done as a trilogy with the other books, that is if they could capture his look correctly. 7y
BillBlume @SaraFair glad you enjoyed her character, too. Rebels has gotten better with each season, so well worth checking out. Loved this book! 7y