Bookmail!! Just got Brightly Burning, which is described as Jane Eyre in space. Yes, please!
Thank you #hmhteen
Bookmail!! Just got Brightly Burning, which is described as Jane Eyre in space. Yes, please!
Thank you #hmhteen
Today is Wednesday so that means #waitingonwednesday !! Today I'm featuring #retributionrails the companion to #vengeanceroad by @heyerin I can't wait to read this! It'll release in November from @hmhteen I'll put the summary in the first comment.
#bibliophile #goodreads #igreads #coverlove #bookstagramit #bookstagrammer #bookstagramfeature #booknookstagram #bookphotography #hmhteen #erinbowman #bookishlove #bookhoarder #totalbooknerd
Super excited to read Nice Try, Jane Sinner by Lianne Oelke! It's blurbed by Becky Albertalli:
"Jane Sinner snarked her way into my heart, and she's never leaving. Prepare to fall hard for this hilarious, heartfelt gem of a book."
Cannot wait to start! ?
#NiceTryJaneSinner #YAlit #yabooks #yalit #ClarionBooks #HMHTeen #bookphotography #MyLadyJane #Geekerella #TheForbiddenWish #ThisRagingLight #WhenDimpleMetRishi #Illuminae