Good. Tells the story of Jane Rochford (George Boleyn's wife) . Wonderful storytelling as you feel sorry for her and can see how manipulative she was all at the same time.
Six Tudor Queens 5.6
Good. Tells the story of Jane Rochford (George Boleyn's wife) . Wonderful storytelling as you feel sorry for her and can see how manipulative she was all at the same time.
Six Tudor Queens 5.6
Good. Tells the story of Margaret Douglas and her life in the Tudor court.
Six Tudor Queens 5.5
Nice companion piece to the third book in the series as it deals with Princess Mary's grief over losing Jane Seymour and her introduction to Anna of Kleve. So this is 3.6 in the sequence of books for this series.
Nice companion piece to the second and third and fourth book of the series. As it shows the impact of the fall out of Anne Boleyn's downfall on her family, and how they respond to the new queen Jane Seymour and it also introduces Anna of Kleve. So this is 3.5 in the sequence of the books.
Very good. Enjoyed the story and how it fits in with the six queen's series as this is between book 1(Katherine of Aragon) and book 2 (Anne Boleyn) so 1.5! These stories even though kindle only do add to the main story and you get a richer experience. Just make sure you check the sequence of the books as I have read a couple of books out of sequence so I will have to go back and reread them.
Very good. Enjoyed how the connection was made between Wallis Simpson and Princess Diana even though they were completely different woman they still had a profound effect on the monarchy. I enjoyed this book but it felt different as one of the main characters was a real person so I already knew how the story ended so it spoilt the story a bit (the diana segments were told from the viewpoint of someone who witnessed her accident)