Humble Bundle but up a sci-fi book bundle! Not sure about the other books, but I loved Murderbot so decided to grab this for the Martha Wells books 😀
#humblebundle #bookbundle
Humble Bundle but up a sci-fi book bundle! Not sure about the other books, but I loved Murderbot so decided to grab this for the Martha Wells books 😀
#humblebundle #bookbundle
Got this in a recent #humblebundle, and even with the blurb describing it as "an erotic, robotic, Victorian romance," I wasn't expecting it to be so ?! As you can see, the art is winsome and lovely, and the story is the perfect mix of spicy and sweet. I read it and its sequel in an afternoon (at work no less! ¡Escandalo!) and give both five throbbing stars. Recommended for all #FreakyFriendsForever.
Just started reading this one. Finished the first story (I do love a good anthology!) and found it amusing. Been over a year since I've read on an electronic device, but its nice to be able to read under the blankets! #witches #ereader #kindlefire8 #humblebundle
Just a little #BookHaul of both #HumbleBundle book bundles. I've not read huge amounts of sci-fi so this is a great excuse to buy more and support charities at the same time. Back to the reading...