Big sis reading to little sis 😍 my 6yo is doing great with her reading and I love that she's reading to her younger sister. #RaisingReaders #LyonsCubs
Big sis reading to little sis 😍 my 6yo is doing great with her reading and I love that she's reading to her younger sister. #RaisingReaders #LyonsCubs
A good friend of ours was visiting and he was reading to my girls. Then my husband decided to join in on the storytime 😍 #LyonsCubs #RaisingReaders #ThoseWhoReadTogether
Ok, last one of my girls for a while. They have been pretty good this past week and after a week of being nightmares, I need to share them while they are in good moods 😅😅😅 I also love seeing kids holding a stack of books in their arms. Pandamonia is an adorable book about a sleeping panda you don't want to wake because chaos will ensue. #LyonsCubs #BookwormsInTraining 🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼/5