Hello, I am #newtoLitsy 😊
POLL: What do I read next?
A - #thehouseofthespirits
B - #homegoing
C - #compass
D - #middlesex
A , B , C , or D ???
Comment below with your choice! 📚
#whatshouldireadnext #choosemybook #pickmybook #helpmechoose #bookpick #bookchoices #whattoread #fiction #contemporarylit #contemporaryliterature #choosemynextpick #literature #toomanybooks #LetLitsyChoose #litsypick #choosemyread #pickmybook
Samplergal D!! So good. 7y
Kallik93 Oooooh I think B. Then D. 7y
ReadingRuby B! 7y
melissa.drake D is really good! And the audiobook for it is really well done as well. 7y
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