I‘m having the worst time choosing my Book of the Month. Anyone have strong opinions and want to make a case? #helpmechoose #botm
I‘m having the worst time choosing my Book of the Month. Anyone have strong opinions and want to make a case? #helpmechoose #botm
Fellow littens: help! I'm in the mood for a fantasy novel, but can't decide. Help me pick my next read. Thoughts??
#helpmechoose #whatsnext?
Fellow littens: help! I'm in the mood for a fantasy novel, but can't decide. Help me pick my next read. Thoughts??
#helpmechoose #what'snext?
Hello Littens! I need some help. I‘m getting very close to finishing my reading challenge and can‘t decide what book to read next. Each of these books fits into one of the categories I have left. Will you help me choose which one I should start? #helpmechoose #makemereadit
Still time to vote for August's #MakeMeReadIt with @TheReadingMermaid
See original post for all book titles.
#tbr #helpmechoose
Ok I‘ll play! Help me pick one (who knows, maybe it will be two!) from this stack to read in August. All are from my TBR, 2 have been on my nightstand for months. Tag one in the comments! #makemereadit #helpmechoose @TheReadingMermaid
#makemereadit #helpmechoose
All my books are on Kindle, so I couldn‘t stack them.
Please choose for me!
Hello, I am #newtoLitsy 😊
POLL: What do I read next?
A - #thehouseofthespirits
B - #homegoing
C - #compass
D - #middlesex
A , B , C , or D ???
Comment below with your choice! 📚
#whatshouldireadnext #choosemybook #pickmybook #helpmechoose #bookpick #bookchoices #whattoread #fiction #contemporarylit #contemporaryliterature #choosemynextpick #literature #toomanybooks #LetLitsyChoose #litsypick #choosemyread #pickmybook
• please help me choose a graphic novel for later tonight (or tomorrow). which one ☝️ would you start first?! •
#graphicnovels #readathon #helpmechoose #paperbacks #librarylends #ontheshelf #suggestionsplease