Day 1 #CrimesAgainstCovers: #MostWreckedBook. I do have other books in rough shape--stained, dog-eared, cracked spines, broken bindings, etc.--but none that are beaten up in the much-loved "read-till-it-fell-apart" way as these childhood favourites.
Day 1 #CrimesAgainstCovers: #MostWreckedBook. I do have other books in rough shape--stained, dog-eared, cracked spines, broken bindings, etc.--but none that are beaten up in the much-loved "read-till-it-fell-apart" way as these childhood favourites.
I‘ve got a few other ones in rough shape, but these are probably the worst. The Harry Potter books are from my childhood. On top of the wear and tear on the spine, our family dog pulled the first four off the shelf and tried to eat them, hence the teethmarks. The other three books are from my mother‘s childhood, and they‘re so fragile, I‘m afraid if I just breathe on them wrong, they‘ll fall apart completely. #crimesagainstcovers #mostwreckedbook
#crimesagainstcovers #dayone #mostwreckedbook My own book collection is full of old roughed up books but alas it is all in storage in CO. I‘m currently a live in nanny in CA. So I decided to choose these children‘s books that have not survived the babies. There was even one book I had to save that was completely taped shut with washi tape by the 3year old. #lifeofananny #tearing #waterspilling #slobbering #littlemonsters
It actually makes me incredibly sad how wrecked this book is. It's quite a big book and took a lot of battering through a few house moves as a student. It's so beautiful inside. #crimesagainstcovers #mostwreckedbook