Happy birthday to myself, with a new YA novel by the wonderful John Green!
#fiction #ya #johngreen #turtles #nerdfighters
Happy birthday to myself, with a new YA novel by the wonderful John Green!
#fiction #ya #johngreen #turtles #nerdfighters
I took two very excited kiddos to see John and Hank Green tonight. We super loved it. It made me happy to see them so into it: singing along with Hank, laughing at their antics, and generally having a blast. I love my #nerdfighters.
My next read! ? Finished "Am I Normal Yet?" - 3.5 out of 5 stars???✨ I am so excited for this read. #DFTBA #NerdFighters #JohnGreen #fiveplusyearsforanewnovel #TurtlesAllTheWayDown #howareturtlesimportanttothestory
Earlier this year, John Green made a massive online scavenger hunt over 22 weeks. It was super fun. I solved all the puzzles. Those of us who were among the first so many people to solve all 22 weeks are getting a free signed copy of Turtles All the Way Down. I wasn't sure I solved it fast enough, but I just got an email saying I did!! A free book is coming my way!! #nerdfighters #itsatuatara #turtles