Reading books with the Netflix fireplace on is the best!
Reading books with the Netflix fireplace on is the best!
I discovered many little free libraries in my community! #littlefreelibraries
The other day I visited my local little free library and donated three 📚books (loveless, radio silence, and serious moonlight).
Currently reading: Started on 8.8.20 #TalkingAsFastAsICan #LaurenGraham #GilmoreGirls
I finished this book and I learned a lot. I am still in the process of taking it in.
This is my first Listy post in over a year! During the past year, I have spent less time on social media due to being busy with work, family, and grad school obligations. However, I decided now is the time to get back into posting. I might not post on Litsy frequently, but you can also follow me on Instagram @my_hometown_and_beyond .
My life had been consumed by school and work, and this is why I am invisible on Litsy📚📕✏️📝.. featuring only half my textbooks for this semester.
I haven‘t posted in a really long time, but I have been reading a ton. I am a Master‘s degree student in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Children‘s literature. So I decided to post the books I have been reading for my literature courses. #childrensbooksarethebest #studyinghard #studentlife
Finished the Walled City and now I am on to these two beauties. #farfromthetree #spiritrising #christianvscontempoary
First Book of the New Year... Happy 2018! #Thewalledcity #RyanGraudin #2018anewyear
Reading on my lunch break! #GoodbyeVitamin #Mentalhealth #everydaylife #comfortinwritingstyle #easytoread
My next read! ? Finished "Am I Normal Yet?" - 3.5 out of 5 stars???✨ I am so excited for this read. #DFTBA #NerdFighters #JohnGreen #fiveplusyearsforanewnovel #TurtlesAllTheWayDown #howareturtlesimportanttothestory
Finished Vicious... now onto Am I Normal Yet? #Bourne #Contemporary #Otternonsensedesigns #Almostmidnight
“EO”- ExtraOrdinary, a person with special abilities. #Schwab #Antihero #Sydneyinvicious
Currently reading on my lunch break. #newtomebook #helpmeoutofareadingslump
Currently reading outside on a gorgeous day.
Thank you @Leigh0906 for the books and bookish items! Thanks you @collegecatlady for setting up the exchange. #bibliophilebookexchange
Reading at work. In a semi-reading slump, hoping this book will help me out of the funk and so far...so good. #EstherGraceEarl #ThyroidCancerStory
Got my book swap package today. Thanks @Leigh0906 ! #bibliophilebookexchange @collegecatlady #bookishmail
I sent out your package today... @Leigh0906 The box is not shown because I thought this picture looked better. I also forgot to write the hashtag on the outside of the box... Oops. Should arrive Monday or Tuesday of next week. Unfortunately, the item I was waiting for in the mail didn't arrive, but I sent a small gift as its replacement ...aka: the item wrapped in different paper. #bibliophilebookexchange @collegecatlady
Thinking about setting this book aside.. It is hard to follow both storylines (Marie snd Werner)...plus the shifts between timelines (past snd present) don't help either... Has anyone had a similar feeling when reading this book and should I keep going..(I am only 140 pages in)? #conflicted #mightdnffornow
All about me! #20factsaboutme @jess_turtlebeanz
🍓Historical Fiction, YA Contemporary, Christian Fiction
🍓Francesca Zappia, Morgan Matson, Mitch Albom
🍓Secret Life of Bees, Eliza and Her Monsters, and The Nightingale
🍓 Shoutout to family @jess_turtlebeanz I love everyone's posts so I can't think of a second.
🍓Websters and Bookateria Two
🍓Target and Etsy
🍓My bookmarks
🍓On the porch (sunny days)
#Litsy321Favorites @Jess7
Reading on the beach. #timetorelax #madeyouup #francescazappia #readingonthebeach #familyvacation #mentalhealthbook #Schizophrenia #highschool #sandandsun
🐶Haven't read HP, but seen a few movies and I like it better then Twilight, so HP.
🐶BBC Sherlock hands down.. Come on..it is Benedict Cumberbatch, who wouldn't agree?!?
🐶Doctor #9 -played by Christopher Eccleston
🐶Don't care.
🐶Only read half of the series and it was pretty good ( not a big series fan.. Perfer standalone) .. But I would say.. Maximum Ride
#FandomFriday #itisreallysaturday
📚1st trip to California, maybe
📚Duh, Jesus
📚My mother
📚In a tree
📚Month or so
📚don't know.. I will see where the wind takes me.
📚The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd
@Sha0102 @jess_turtlebeanz #MiscQuestions
Currently reading: Midnight at the Electric by Jodi Lynn Anderson. This was the photo I entered for yesterday's Instagram challenge...reflect your current read. I am realizing I need to put less pressure on myself with the challenges... So now I am only doing challenges that interests me instead of forcing my way through all seven. So I won't be doing today's Instagram challenge, which involves cosplay. #Booktubeathon #lesspressure #feelingbetter
🌔reading in bed
🌔1st person
🌘read at night
🌘colorful covers
🌔 character driven/plot.. Need both .. Can't have bland characters or no action.
🌔established authors
🌘one at a time
🌔New book
🌔online bookclub
@jess_turtlebeanz @beachbookworm7 #thisorthat
Powerful ending to a great read. #Thissongsavedmylife #leilasales #Findingyourplace #djs #beingyourself #friendship #individuality #doingwhatyoulove #lovingyou
📚18-20 hours
📚contemporary and historical fiction
📚horror and sci-fi/paranormal
📚Receiving books in the mail w/ damaged covers
📚Learning from characters who are so different from myself/escaping the world for awhile.
📚I sometimes annotate my books
*cheated-- some have more then one answer
#LitsyQuestions @GypsyKat @jess_turtlebeanz
📖Browsing the App Store / Booktube
📖Goodreads / Litsy / Physical TBR self
📖Physical Books
📖Yes, The First Phone Call From Heaven by Mitch Albom
📖Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston -- Character accents.
📖Weird Things Customers Say In Book Shops by Jen Campbell
📖The Wright Brothers by David McCullough
📖The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
📖I have quirks
#TBRBOOST @jess_turtlebeanz
🍉Finished book: A Different Familiar by Rhian J. Martin
🍉Love Does by Bob Goff
🍉Yes, please!
🍉Most Read?!?: Secret Life of Bees/ Must Read?!?: This Song will save your life : currently reading
🍉Weird Things Customers Say In Book Shops by Jen Campbell
🍉Twilight by Stephanie Meyers
🍉The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien
🍉Yes, don't you?
Unpopular Opinions Book Tag:
1️⃣Station Eleven or Fangirl
2️⃣Paper Towns
3️⃣The Hunger Games...Team K & G
4️⃣Paramormal Romance/Horror
5️⃣Greg from Me, Earl, and The Dying Girl
6️⃣Pittacus Lore
7️⃣Absent Families or Love Triangles
8️⃣The Mortal Instruments or Throne of Glass
9️⃣Thirteen Reasons Why on Netflicks
Play along with the tag using: #unpopularopinionsbooktag
Tagged to do: @jess_turtlebeanz @Tiffy_Reads @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
Can't wait to read more of the book 'Love Does' by Bob Goff in the next couple of weeks. #BuddyBuddybookclub
No Litsy this book was written by Bob Goff... Only the forward was written by Donald Miller! Got the next book club read at B&N today. Also featuring a very cute bookmark. #puns #BuddyBuddybookclub #ChristinNonfiction #Lovedoes
Book tag time! #bookishwouldyourather
📚Drink ice tea... Rarely drink
📚First Page
📚Mr. Darcy
@jess_turtlebeanz @Kalalalatja
My tbr for the Booktube-A-Thon: reading challenges 1-6. Dates of the read-a-thon: July 24th-30th...participating via Instagram #Booktubeathon
# 1: Goodbye, Vitamin
Challenges: Read outside, Read a hyped book
# 2: A Day of Signs and Wonders
Challenges: Cover buy, Person on the cover
# 3: Return from Tomorrow
Challenges: Read about someone different then you
# 4: Hero Bear and The Kid
Challenge: Read a book in one day
Thank you so much @BraveNewBooks for my awesome package! I absolutely love Nancy Drew and use to play the herinteractive computer games, but need to read more of the books📖( this will provide me that opportunity). Also thank you for finishing my Mitch Albom collection.. I now own most/if not all his books and I adore the bookish socks. Thank you @Tiffy_Reads for hosting the #beachinbookswap
#questionandanswer book tag. Some questions are the same as the #asidefrombooks tag
🌿Favorite Color: Blue
🌿Favorite Food: Chili
🌿Favorite book: A Secret Life of Bees (Image: Google)
🌿Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving
🌿Favorite Actress/Actor: Jessica Raine/Dev Patel
🌿Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Strawberry
🌿Favorite Month: July
🌿Favorite Emoji:😍
🌿Favorite Instagrammer: Family/friends😊
🌿Favorite Hobby: Reading
tag: @jess_turtlebeanz
Signed up for the #bibliophilebookexchange ... Going to add books to my to be read section that I haven't read, so I don't receive books I have or read before. Image: google
Taking notes while reading my friend's book, so I can give her some honest feedback. #honestywhilereading #myfriendsanauthor #adifferentfamiliar
My friend's book came in the mail today! #Bookishmail #adifferentfamiliar
So excited to have gotten my package in the mail today! Thanks you for for sending this my way Litten. @BraveNewBooks #beachinbookswap #July15th @Tiffy_Reads
I am doing the #asidefrombooks tag! @beachbookworm7 @jess_turtlebeanz
🔸Favorite Hobby: Journaling
🔸Favorite Drink: Arizona Ice Tea
🔸Favorite Food: Chili
🔸Favorite color: Blue
🔸Favorite City: Chicago, Illinois
🔸Where would my dream house be: England
🔸Favorite Accessory: My head bands
🔸Favorite TV Show: Downton Abbey
🔸Last Movie I watched in theaters: Guardians of the Galaxy 2
🔸Currently Reading: When Dimple met Rishi. Image: google
Got my first every BOTM (Book of The Month) novel in the mail today. #bookishmail #shortbooks #Khong #GoodbyeVitamin
One of my dearest friends has written her first ever novel! I am so proud of her. Please help me in supporting her in her journey as an new author. This book is available for order on amazon in paperback and e-book formats. 📖#proudfriend #Ireland #Comingofage #adifferentfamiliar