A very fitting book for my day out with the bestie at Hever Castle. It was a gorgeous day in the sunshine with lots of history surrounding us and I got to read a few pages whilst sitting in the gardens.
#SummerReads #Books #BookNerd #SummerDaysOut #FunInTheSun #History #YA #Culture #HeverCastle #Mazes #Gardens #AnneBoleyn #HenryVIII #Tudors #OneMoreChapter #Bookaholic #LibraryDreams #ReadABook #DivorcedBeheadedDiedDivorcedBeheadedSurvived
KarouBlue Wonderful vignette! How‘s the book?!! 6y
JaneyWaneyB @MellieAntoinette I have really enjoyed this book. Each queen is written by a different YA author and you also have Henry's voice too all focussing on the relationships. 6y