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The Twins and the Wild West | Francine Pascal, Molly MIA Stewart
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The Wakefield grandparents are in town and they take Steven and the girls to The Old West Town, a place where the guests dress up in old western attire, eat at a saloon, ride a stagecoach and pan for gold. Steven bullies Liz saying girls can‘t be cowgirls, being very sexist throughout the book. Liz teaches him a lesson when she helps stop a would-be stagecoach robber (the kids didn‘t realize it wasn‘t real and was part of the experience). ⬇️

JenlovesJT47 This was cute and makes me wish I had gone to a place like that with my grandparents when I was little. 3⭐️ #SweetValley #SweetValleyKids #SVK #twins #nostalgia 🤠🐴 🐄 23h
TorieStorieS The one my grandparents took me to wasn‘t quite as interactive but we did get to pan for (fool‘s) gold which was my favorite part! 17h
JenlovesJT47 @TorieStorieS sounds like fun! 16h
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Elizabeth's Super-selling Lemonade | Francine Pascal, Molly MIA Stewart
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Mrs. Becker is getting married and the whole class is invited! The class decides to get Mrs. B. a fancy apple paperweight for a wedding gift and each kid has to chip in $2. The twins run a lucrative lemonade stand and make $3 in one day (😅) even though Jess bails about 5 minutes in to go to the park. Luckily Todd saves the day. A few days later, Jess sees all of that shiny lemonade money and decides to take it with her when she goes to the ⬇️

JenlovesJT47 The mall with rich Lila Fowler. Lila shows Jess these fancy glow in the dark bracelets and eggs her on to buy not one but two! Jess is torn as she knows it‘s not her money. But the lust of those fancy bracelets is just too much for her and she gives in. Liz is furious when she finds out but they make up about 5 pages later. Mrs. W. makes Jess do chores to earn her share. Mrs. Becker becomes Mrs. Otis (she marries a librarian, smart lady!), & ⬇️ 2d
JenlovesJT47 Everyone has a blast at the wedding. The new Mrs. Otis loves the apple paperweight and promises she will continue being their teacher. So cute and makes you yearn for being a kid with such simple problems as these. 4⭐️ #SweetValley #SweetValleyKids #SVK #twins #nostalgia 🍎👯‍♀️🍎 2d
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Jessica's Zoo Adventure | Francine Pascal, Molly MIA Stewart
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The 2nd grade class takes a field trip to the zoo and Mrs. Wakefield accompanies them as chaperone. Jess gets her panties in a twist because she expects special treatment from her mom, but her mom ends up scolding her several times in front of the other students. Jess takes off in a huff, and Liz, Todd & Winston follow. All is well when Jess finds the baby chimp that was missing from the monkey exhibit and the zoo decides to name the chimp ⬇️

JenlovesJT47 Jessica! 😆 It‘s so cute seeing all of the kids when they‘re little. You can tell Todd has a crush on Elizabeth even in 2nd grade (and Winston on Jessica lol). 4⭐️ #SweetValley #SweetValleyKids #SVK #twins #nostalgia 👯‍♀️🐵🙈🙉🙊🐒 5d
Lauranahe I don‘t think I ever read the kids series! Just SVH and some of the college ones. Oh-and I think some of the twins. (edited) 5d
JenlovesJT47 @Lauranahe I‘ve never read any of the kids series either so I‘m having fun with it! Check out https://annas-archive.org/search if you want to read any of the books for free, they have almost all of them! 🤓 5d
Lauranahe 👀 Thank you! My oldest is named Elizabeth. Coincidence? I did fall in love with the name from reading these books. 5d
JenlovesJT47 @Lauranahe Elizabeth is a pretty name, you‘ve got great taste! ❤️ 5d
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Jessica's Big Mistake | Francine Pascal, Molly MIA Stewart
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A famous children‘s author, Angela Daley, is coming to visit Mrs. Becker‘s 2nd grade class, and the kids have been tasked with doing some kind of project for her to earn the spot of helping her autograph books for the students. Liz decides to write a story. Jessica finds the 1st draft of her story in trash, not knowing what Liz is using it for, and decides to pass it off as her own. She realizes her mistake on the big day and comes clean to ⬇️

JenlovesJT47 Mrs. Becker & Elizabeth. Elizabeth earns the privilege of having Ms. Daley read her story to the entire class, as well as helping her with the books. Jess is happy that Liz forgives her and all is well in Sweet Valley. 4⭐️ #SweetValley #SweetValleyKids #SVK #twins #nostalgia 👯‍♀️ 6d
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Lila's Secret | Francine Pascal, Molly MIA Stewart
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The twins decide to camp out in their backyard in a tent with some of their friends. Lila is hesitant to go but Liz can‘t figure out why. Todd sneaks over to help Steven scare the girls at night. Then Liz wakes up to hear Lila crying. Turns out she still occasionally wets the bed and was scared to come, but Jess and Liz swear they will never tell a soul and all is well. 3.5⭐️ #SweetValley #SweetValleyKids #SVK #twins #nostalgia

Jessica's Cat Trick | Francine Pascal, Molly MIA Stewart
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I might me biased because I love cats, but I thought this was adorable! Jess & Liz find a stray cat in the bushes at their house and decide to hide her in their room. Steven and their dad are allergic so it gets pretty tricky. The cat is officially out of the bag when the twins think Misty the cat is sick, so they tell their mom. Turns out Misty is having kittens and the whole family has a picnic in the room while watching her give birth. 😆 ⬇️

JenlovesJT47 So adorable and they find Misty and her babies a new home. 5⭐️ for cuteness and cats. 🐈‍⬛ #SweetValley #SweetValleyKids #SVK #twins #nostalgia 👯‍♀️🐈‍⬛ 2w
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Elizabeth's Valentine | Francine Pascal, Molly MIA Stewart
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There‘s a new student in the class from Jamaica. Her name is Eva, and Liz is tasked with showing her around school and the town. Jess quickly becomes jealous, along with Liz‘s best pal Amy. So Jess and Amy start hanging out to make Liz jealous. Jess and Lila also start fighting, and pretty soon nobody is talking to each other. But sweet Eva devises a plan to bring everyone together in the end, and everyone is friends again. 4⭐️

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The Twins' Mystery Teacher | Francine Pascal, Molly MIA Stewart
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In book 3 of SV Kids, Mrs. Becker is out with the flu and the twins get not one but two different substitute teachers. The first was a pushover but the second, Mr. Marshall, won‘t put up with any shenanigans from the kids. Rumors start flying after a bunch of the kids are hanging out in the park on the weekend and see Mr. Marshall get in the back of a police car. They are convinced he is an escaped criminal! Turns out he is actually a police ⬇️

JenlovesJT47 Officer. 👮🏽‍♂️😆 This one was actually really cute and I found myself loling a few times. 4.5⭐️ #SweetValley #SweetValleyKids #SVK #twins #nostalgia 2w
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Runaway Hamster | Francine Pascal, Molly MIA Stewart
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Book 2 in the Sweet Valley Kids series has Jess and Liz taking the class hamster Tinkerbell home with them over winter break. Jess thinks he looks like a rat and doesn‘t want anything to do with him. Saint Liz is the model pet owner, naturally. Chaos ensues when Jess accidentally leaves the cage open and they buy a new one to try to pass it off as Tinkerbell. All is well when they find Tink a few weeks later, so now the class has 2 hamsters. 🐹

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I recently found a treasure trove of free books online (will add link in comments) and I have spent the last few days downloading every Sweet Valley book they had. I decided to read through the SV Kids series along with my SVT read-through and SV Senior Year. Yes, I am a nerd but I‘ve never read this series and I love the feeling of nostalgia I get when I read any Sweet Valley book. 🤓 I fully credit Sweet Valley books for my love of reading. ⬇️

JenlovesJT47 Thank you, Francine Pascal! Anyhoo, book one of SV Kids finds Jess and Liz in 2nd grade preparing for their 7th birthday party. Lots of familiar faces here with their later personalities on display even here in elementary school. I‘m looking forward to this read-through. 4⭐️ #SweetValley #SweetValleyKids #SVK #twins #nostalgia 👯‍♀️ 3w
JenlovesJT47 Please check out https://annas-archive.org and good luck getting anything else done once you start looking! 3w
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