Gonna read this next by Ruth Ware #ruthwarewriter #ruthwarewriter #ruthwarebooks #thewomanincabin10
Gonna read this next by Ruth Ware #ruthwarewriter #ruthwarewriter #ruthwarebooks #thewomanincabin10
What a mess...I almost DNF‘d this one several times. The story felt all over the place and to be honest the ending was weak at best. Not a great read for me at all. #thriller #fiction #ruthware
Rating this at 3.5/5 stars. #thewomanincabin10 starts off as a descent thriller about a woman piecing a mystery together, as a way for her to also piece herself. The book starts off strong and then drags at the last twelve chapters. The ending was descent, but the dragging lost my interest. I still have a few more novels by #ruthware I would like to read, this wasn't my favorite thriller.
The 9 reads/rereads I started 2018 and fully intend to finish in 2019 (there were a few 2018 DNFs but I'll not mention them here)
#whatifitsus #beckyalbertalli #adamsilvera #warandpeace #leotolstoy #johngwynne #atimeofdread #skyborn #daviddalglish #Brandonsanderson #arcanumunbound #jenwilliams #theironghost #ruthware #thewomanincabin10 #threeprinces #ramonawheeler #dracula #bramstoker
Ready for a suspenseful weekend!
So I have heard a lot of good things about Ruth Ware‘s books and I picked these up at the used book store a while ago and never had the time to read them. Now I have no idea which one to start with, or if I should read them in any particular order. Any suggestions? :) #ruthware #thewomanincabin10 #thelyinggame #thriller #bibliophile #toberead
Maybe it's not about the happy ending. Maybe it's about the story.
#AprilBookishMadness Number in Title
#thewomanincabin10 #ruthware #crime #flowers #daffodils #coffee #goodreads #bookworm #litsylove #litsyfun
Hubby & son are out helping my mother-in-law hang pictures and I‘ve got 122 pages left. Think I can finish this book before they get back? #thewomanincabin10 #ruthware #whodunnit
Intrigued...very intrigued...where is this boat going? What‘s the deal with this tiny crew? Why has no one heard from the main character though she‘s sent several messages to all her close contacts? And the burglary at the beginning of the novel? What‘s the connection? #thewomanincabin10
I relax with Ruth Ware‘s The Woman in Cabin 10. Before Christmas eve 📖🎄 #cr #currentlyreading #beforechristmaseve #beforechristmas #relaxing #book #books #booknerd #bookworm #bookporn #ilovebooks #bookphotography #bookstagram #instabooks #read #reading #readingtime #addictedtobooks #bookaddict #readaddict #christmaseve #christmas #ruthware #thewomanincabin10