I didn't like it in 2005 when I DNF'd it, and I didn't like it in 2017 when I made myself finish it. #TheYearKristiReadsHerBookshelf
I didn't like it in 2005 when I DNF'd it, and I didn't like it in 2017 when I made myself finish it. #TheYearKristiReadsHerBookshelf
I tried reading this about 12 years ago, but life got in the way. #TheYearKristiReadsHerBookshelf
Maybe not what I needed right now, given my growing disappointment in the human race. It's probably for the best that Vonnegut didn't live to see Pres. 45...#TheYearKristiReadsHerBookshelf
I thought the movie was well done, but I've heard that the book is worth a read. Also, Jennifer Lawrence is a queen. #TheYearKristiReadsHerBookshelf
My weekend reading. I love that the main character settles in Boulder and attends CU. #BOTM #TheYearKristiReadsHerBookshelf
You guys, this book has been in my possession since 2008! 2017 is going to be #TheYearKristiReadsHerBookshelf. There's no way I can actually get through them all in one year, but I've got to start somewhere. Happy Reading!