This whole series would work so well on screen, I can‘t help but think #thisshouldbeamovie! #bibliomaynia
This whole series would work so well on screen, I can‘t help but think #thisshouldbeamovie! #bibliomaynia
Day 10: #seasonsreadings2016 #thisshouldbeamovie I have always thought that this delightful book series should be made into a movie (or trio of movies)! They are hysterical and I would love to see them played out on screen! @RealLifeReading
Even though the dystopia genre has been adapted within an inch of its life, I still believe #ThisShouldBeAMovie. #SeasonsReadings16
This was sufficiently twisty and suspenseful that I finished it in one day. The ending was perfect! #ihategeorgeclooney #thisshouldbeamovie #seasonsreadings2016
I enjoyed this novel, set in both Tokyo and Vancouver. I would love to see this made into a film in the near future. I know some of the time travel (?) elements would be a little tricky to film, but I'm sure Ozeki would write an awesome screenplay! #thisshouldbeamovie #japan #canada
I would love to see this novel transformed into a film but I wonder if the powerful language could be captured visually. Barry's powers of description are vivid, witty, intelligent and a little off-centre. In the right hands, this would make an amazing film #thisshouldbeamovie #seasonsreading2016
In keeping with my Michelangelo theme, I chose these two books for #fictionnonfictionpairings. The first book is a novel of the artist's life and work and the second is his autobiography. I also thought that this would be a good pick for the #thisshouldbeamovie prompt. But I looked it up and a movie was already made! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Agony_and_the_Ecstasy_(film) #day9 #day10 #seasonsreadings2016
Please excuse the absence of Rivers of London. It's in possession of a coworker. I used to own 2 of the 4 copies I've bought, but Dad fell in love so I let him keep it. Maybe I need another spare.
Anyway! This was written by a screenwriter who worked on Dr Who and there are talks of a TV SHOW! Which I would be equally happy with. I just need more formats, more things to possess.
#seasonsreadings2016 #thisshouldbeamovie
it's a December photo challenge twofer! 1) I think this haunting, lyrical YA novel would be a great film. #thisshouldbeamovie 2) This is the first ebook I ever read. I was late to the ereader party, and I still prefer physical books. I use the Kindle app on my iPad, but I also have a Nook. #ereader #seasonsreadings2016
#seasonsreadings2016 #thisshouldbeamovie This would be a fun/terrifying movie!