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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
Something strange is happening at the Orsk furniture superstore in Cleveland, Ohio. Every morning, employees arrive to find broken Kjerring bookshelves, shattered Glans water goblets, and smashed Liripip wardrobes. Sales are down, security cameras reveal nothing, and store managers are panicking. To unravel the mystery, three employees volunteer to work a nine-hour dusk-till-dawn shift. In the dead of the night, theyll patrol the empty showroom floor, investigate strange sights and sounds, and encounter horrors that defy the imagination. A traditional haunted house story in a thoroughly contemporary setting, Horrorstr comes packaged in the form of a glossy mail order catalog, complete with product illustrations, a home delivery order form, and a map of Orsks labyrinthine showroom. Its a treat for fans of The Evil Dead or Zombieland, complete with affordable solutions for better living.Kirkus Reviews.
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Horrorstr | Grady Hendrix;
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#TuesdayTunes @TieDyeDude
I always love Spotify's daylists. They are just too funny.

TieDyeDude Oh my, I never knew of these. I have one called Angry Whistling mix 🤔😝 1w
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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📚Currently reading:

📕A Dance with Dragons
📕Akechi Kogoro
📙The Witness for the Dead

Almost forgot to post this. Finished 2 novels last week and 1 short story, so I will call that a productive week. Steadily getting through ADWD, need to find time to start the other 2 I've been swamped with life stuff.

Doppoetry A friend linked me 2 other Grady Hendrix audiobooks and Project Hail Mary so I am hoping to get to those soon. 2w
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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This was a pretty short listen (around 5 ish hours) it felt kind of... disappointing. The characters were flat and relied heavily on horror tropes, though Amy was way too relatable. the spooky shit was definitely spooky but also very one-dimensional, the ending was hopeful but also didn't feel like it wrapped anything up.

Doppoetry The design of the book is very neat, though. I always like looking through uniquely designed books. 3w
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Horrorstr | Grady Hendrix;
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3.5 Stars • Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix is a horror-comedy novel set in ORSK, a fictional IKEA-like store, where employees Amy, Ruth Anne, and Basil stay overnight to investigate mysterious acts of vandalism. The story takes a dark turn as they uncover the store's disturbing history tied to an old prison and its sadistic warden, leading to supernatural events and a fight for survival.

#Horrorstor #GradyHendrix

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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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This book has been on my TBR list since I first heard about it shortly after publication, yet for some reason I only just read it. Took me long enough, but once I had my hands on a copy I couldn't put it down. Hilarious and Terrifying! What a brilliant idea Hendrix had when he brainstormed this horrifying novel of craziness. I loved all the blatant nods to Ikea and how there were illustrations, product fliers, and ads throughout the book. ⤵️

monkeygirlsmama ⤴️ All of this added to the story's ambience or vibe of the setting which drew me into the story more than making me a silent observer. And I thought it was genius how as the story progressed and evolved so did the products being advertised. No longer standard knock offs but instead ones devised solely for the sake of the story. So good; so creepy! 3mo
Hooked_on_books Love him, love this book! 3mo
CaroPi I love him! His books have a great mix between horror and humor so they are easy to enjoy. I have in my TBR the latest one 3mo
monkeygirlsmama I don't know anything about what else he has out, but I'm going to have to investigate. @CaroPi 3mo
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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This book was a hoot! I thoroughly enjoyed it but so curious to see how my bookclub will receive it. I‘ll think of this story on every future Ikea visit.

DGRachel It took me years to be able to set foot in an IKEA and I‘ve only done it once since reading this book. I nearly had a panic attack going through there. 😂😂 3mo
Cortg @DGRachel Oh no! I kinda feel like I should visit one in the next week or so to get it over with 😂 3mo
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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Glad I grabbed my book when I headed out for lunch because my kid landed herself in the ER and I‘ll be here for a few hours. 😬
I‘m grateful I‘m in town for her but sad she won‘t be able to perform in her musical this evening with a concussion

Eggs Oh no 😬 I hope she feels better soon ♥️♥️ 3mo
RaeLovesToRead Hope she is OK 💕 Enjoy zombie IKEA xx 3mo
TheBookgeekFrau Hope she's ok! 🙏🏼💕 3mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Oh no!! I hope she feels better soon ❤️‍🩹 3mo
Cortg @Eggs @RaeLovesToRead @TheBookgeekFrau @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thanks for the well wishes! We‘re still here and she‘s in good spirits with a broken cheekbone. Waiting on a 2nd cat scan 😬 I‘m so thankful I was in town this weekend. 3mo
Eggs @Cortg Oh ouch 🤕 sending hug and prayer🙏🏻 3mo
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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I‘ve been wanting to read this one for a long time, and it doesn‘t disappoint. The Christopher Moore snarky humor vibes are strong.

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Horrorstor | Grady Hendrix
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At Scarlet Lane Brewery for Scarelastic Bookfair featuring horror authors and a few independent publishers. It was awesome! Got so many new books, totally blew my budget. 100% would do again.

Karisimo @karkar Do you live in McCordsville or nearby?! I know exactly where this is! 5mo
Karkar I live in Cincinnati area so it was a quick 2 hour drive. 5mo
AmyG Sounds fun! 5mo
ericarobynreads Ah this is so cool!!! I want to go one of these years! 5mo
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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“She knew he was building an HR case against her, accumulating a long list of missteps and failures. When the staff cuts came - and everyone knew cuts were coming; you could sense a weird sort of tension in the air - Amy knew she would be at the top of Basil‘s list.”

Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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Satire. Creepy & paranormal. Horror balanced with the right amount of nuance and humor. Unique IKEA catalog-like format complete with furniture ads at the start of each chapter. I enjoy Grady Hendrix's writing and was immediately connected and invested in the characters. I also found the background on the haunting interesting.

Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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This weekend's acquisitions. Now to decide what's up next.

Horrorstr | Grady Hendrix;
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Mini-haul, Waterstones Edinburgh 🥰

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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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Gisela, you spoiled me! (Sorry, I don't have your Litsy handle)
I looove the Día de los Muertos decor but sadly, the globe's stand came broken. However, thank you!!!

#HHS #HHS23 @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Your match is @Gissy 9mo
wanderinglynn Fantastic! 🎃🖤👻🧡 9mo
Gissy Ohhh I‘m sorry! I found the globe so pretty that I even bought one for myself. I thought it was well wrapped. Sorry about that. 9mo
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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In a downmarket knockoff of IKEA, manager Basil picks Amy and Ruth Ann to investigate things that go bump in the night.

It wasn't as funny as I thought it was going to be, but nevertheless I enjoyed the first half where the characters were investigating the shop at night. The second half was certainly dark but I didn't feel particularly creeped out, just wanted the story to get a move on.

Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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bthegood I hope you are enjoying this book - I thought it was good (and humorous) It was the first Hendrix I read - not all of his are this clever, but most are good 🙂 (edited) 9mo
rwmg @bthegood 1/2 way through and enjoying the mystery of it but now it seems to be turning a bit darker 9mo
bthegood @rwmg it does get dark - looking forward to reading your review - 9mo
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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Hiding in a Lingam 🤣🤣🤣

Aimeesue 😂😂😂 9mo
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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If you've ever worked retail then you know the abuse you take from customers so being closed in a furniture box store overnight with ghosts and demons would be a piece of cake 😂 Grady Hendrix's twist on Ikea and their products is brilliant
This is my Halloween twist of a Charcuterie Board, a little wonky looking but tasted delicious 😋

AnnCrystal 🎃🤩👍. 10mo
Ruthiella Pretty amazing charcuterie board! 😃 10mo
mrp27 Nice! 10mo
Michreader3 Yum!! Looks delicious 10mo
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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This is a great selection for the Halloween season. The story takes place in a furniture store similar to IKEA, even though it was made very clear at the beginning of the book that it‘s not based on an IKEA store. Based on other readers‘ comments about the comparison to an IKEA store, I thought this was going to be a goofy book. I couldn‘t have been more wrong! It was a good, haunted furniture store story.

Full review at https://abookandadog.com

Megabooks I love this book! 10mo
Breanne1 I thought this was his scariest. 10mo
NatalieR @Breanne1 Yes! It was pretty intense. 👻 10mo
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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And that‘s a wrap on the week 1 #scarathlon game for me! I made different lists each day of book titles that reminded me of our two buddy reads, resulting in a strange and complicated google sheet lol


Clwojick Great job! 10mo
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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Witty concept. Poor execution on audible. I found myself checking out constantly. Couldn‘t have cared less about the characters or whatever demon/ghost.

Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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Even though I‘ve already filled my buddy read spot for the #skeletoncrew this #scarathlon - I decided I couldn‘t resist rereading our other buddy read option! I loved this just as much as last time - the perfect mix of horror, comedy, and genuinely moving parts about the MC‘s coworkers being worth fighting with and for even tho the company is trying to kill your soul.

Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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Here are my results for the week 1 #scarathlon game!

I went through my LibraryThing collection of books read to see which ones had things in common with our #skeletoncrew buddy reads but ran out of steam after listing 306 books. Most were in the fantasy or horror genres but I was especially proud of finding a decorating book that matched “furniture“ for Horrorstor!

kwmg40 I realize my photo resolution is terrible and you can't actually see the titles, but if anyone really wants to see the full list, let me know! 😄 10mo
candc320 Amazing! 10mo
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Emilymdxn That‘s amazing!! Great work and so many points 🎃 10mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 10mo
Bluebird Wowzer! That‘s impressive! 10mo
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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Next audible

Megabooks So fun!! 10mo
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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This book was SO GOOD! I even made my 7th graders read for 30 minutes so that I could model reading with this book. The imagery was stellar and I will never look at a wholesale store the same again. 4/5! #scarathlon #creepinitreal

Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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I guess I like my horror with a side of hilarious. I think this is Hendrix‘s best book. Though I haven‘t read all of them. I‘ll never feel quite the same walking through IKEA.

Did anyone else notice that all the item numbers for the products had 666 in them? Made me chuckle.

(Pictured in front of my IKEA billy shelves😆)

marleed Gotta love a wall of Billy‘s! 10mo
Hooked_on_books I love Hendrix and loved this one! It‘s definitely high on my list of his, but I think We Sold Our Souls is my favorite of his. I also loved Southern Book Club. I love how he doesn‘t hold back on the horror but has me laughing shortly thereafter. I eagerly await each of his books. 10mo
Soubhiville @Hooked_on_books I haven‘t read We Sold Our Souls yet. Something to look forward to! 10mo
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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Attention #scarathlon #skeletoncrew! There‘s a couple choices for our buddy read, worth 50 points, though you can only use one book as the buddy read. I wanted to give more and less scary options

Horrorstör is a horrific comedy about hell and labour relations set in a store that can‘t legally be called IKEA

Emilymdxn Small town big magic (and its sequel) are gorgeous autumnal witchy fantasies about a town I desperately want to move to.

If you wanted to get copies or do library reserves now is the time!
ShananigansReads Both Hazel Beck books are available on Scribd if you have an account. I guess I'll work on building my TBR today. 💀 10mo
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kwmg40 I‘ve already read Horrorstor (and liked it!) so I‘ll opt for Small Town Big Magic. 10mo
Pigpen_Reads I'm so excited! I think I will read Small Town Big Magic. 10mo
Emilymdxn @ShananigansReads that‘s very good to know! I haven‘t used scribd in ages but it has some good stuff on 10mo
Emilymdxn @kwmg40 I‘m so pleased you liked horrorstor! I‘ve read it twice and will probably read it again lol, it‘s just the right balance of entertaining and genuinely scary 10mo
Emilymdxn @Pigpen_Reads I really hope you like it! 10mo
Emilymdxn Hi @Q84 here‘s your buddy read options for the skeleton crew team - there‘s a horror option and a less disturbing option so pick whichever fits your reading taste better 🎃 10mo
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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Comedy? Suspense? Quirky? Scary? Yes!! Starting this today. 🪑

Staci I read this! Great story! Creepy and weird! 11mo
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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Tackle the TBR 🤓📚
What are you reading?
#boleybooks #horrorstor #gradyhendrix #bookbeast #bookbuds #bookchat 🙌

5feet.of.fury That‘s a fun one 11mo
BoleyBooks @5feet.of.fury yes 🙌😊📚 I‘m quickly becoming a big fan of his books! 11mo
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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Finished! Not a big fan of horror books but this one was pretty good. Comedy and horror is melded pretty well.

Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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Extra ¼ star for the audio – loved the Orsk “ads”, and they got better as the book went along (to kind of fit what was happening in the book). I particularly liked the last ad, and it was Bronson Pinchot doing those. The story was less horror in the first half, more mystery? And humour. I really liked how it ended.

Ruthiella I listened to Bronson Pinchot narrate Strangers on a Train and it was so good! I only knew him as Balkie from the TV show Perfect Strangers otherwise. 13mo
LibraryCin @Ruthiella , he has also narrated a series... something with fairy tale princes and princesses, cant think of the titles, but it was a fun series. Before those, i also knly knew him as Balkie. 13mo
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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#LMPBC Round 18 - Group H
@BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @Maggie4483 @vonnie862 @suvata has joined the horror train. I just wanted to take a minute to start the discussion about what books we will be reading this round. This is going to be fun… And scary.

vonnie862 I was thinking of the tagged book but I think it's more suspense than horror. I will need to search through my shelves again. 13mo
suvata @vonnie862 I am OK with suspense too. As long as it‘s tense and kind of scary. I think it would fit in well. 13mo
suvata I‘m leaning toward Horseman by Christina Henry or The Grace Year by Kim Liggett. 13mo
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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4-18-23: My 42nd finished book of 2023! I loved the whole concept of this book. From the cover art to the chapter set up this story really gives you a full experience. Amy works at Orsk, and take off on IKEA, where she is pretty miserable and believes she is about to be fired. Then one night her manager asks her to stay in the store overnight to help him catch whoever is vandalizing and all hell, literally, breaks loose. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️📖#️⃣4️⃣2️⃣

Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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So I'd gone to work the other day and forgot to bring my current read. No worries I work in a bookstore so I decided to pick this one up. First it's Grady Hendrix so you know it's going to be quirky. This was fun a haunted IKEA store and sarcastic and campy characters and voila. This is probably one of my favorites by him.

AmyG He is truly one of the mostimaginative and creative writers. I loved this one…it‘s what made me a fan. 1y
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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Grady Hendrix is my favorite author, and this is one of his best. A campy horror story about a haunted Ikea. Also, a sarcastic, moody main character that I love.

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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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This is a book that you really need to have the physical copy to get the full reading experience.

Set out like an IKEA catalogue this is the story of Orsk, a furniture store where customers follow the Bright and Shining path through the showrooms, down onto the Market floor (sound familiar?).

Something weird is going on at Orsk, the opening team are finding poop on the sofas, broken furniture and corporate are becoming concerned.

Was fun!

KathyWheeler My favorite Grady Hendrix book, and I agree about needing the physical copy. 1y
5feet.of.fury This one is so funny, I loved it too. 1y
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix

Weird. Neat setting.

Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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This was such a fun horror/comedy novel. It is about a Haunted knock off Ikea store. The book was designed to look like an Ikea catalog.

Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix

@teebe my #CreepyChristmas is coming from Amazon all it should be to @rsteve388 by the 30th. The items should be wrapped seeing I did pay for wrapping.

Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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Setting aside any regards for its contents, Horrorstor gets five stars for book design, alone. Look at it! It‘s formatted to look like an IKEA catalogue, complete with an order form for a copyright page and product descriptions for chapter headers. It‘s honestly one of the most beautiful tomes I‘ve ever had the privilege of placing on my shelves. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/horrorstor-grady-hendrix/

Horrorstr | Grady Hendrix;
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This book is best as a physical copy, because it is made to look like an old school catalogue (which is definitely based on ikea)

This was the first Grady Hendrix I read, and I enjoyed this tale of a #Haunted furniture store 👻

#OminousOctober #Scarathlon2022 #TeamMonsterMash

Eggs Perfect 💛💛 2y
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Horrorstr | Grady Hendrix;
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Oh my! Hendrix sure likes to use rats in his horror stories 😳 I also have a thing about snot - when little, people blowing their noses used to make me gag - so let me tell you, there is a certain scene in this book that was A Problem lol.
Anyway, good setting, entertaining integration of the increasingly disturbing ikea-like product descriptions, but I could do without the body horror 🤢
Read for #aam and #scarathlon

Soubhiville I actually like rats, but definitely not snot… I‘ve heard this is a really unique book. 2y
Larkken @Soubhiville I like rats too! Grady seems to like them for ambiance in a way that is a bit unique 2y
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix

#authoramonth22 I'm too wimpy for most horror, but I think book challenges are toughening me up. 😄 This was pretty fun in a chilling sort of way, or do I mean the opposite? The Ikea parody was spot on.

Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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A perfect #scarathlon2022 read. not my usual genre, still I enjoyed 🥶 I like the atmosphere of this book more than the plot.Cos I ve not read many books with commercial settings. good ending. 4⭐️ #authoramonth2022 #AAM #readathon
#littenlisten @aperfectmjk #spookoween @TheSpineView #31in31 @Catsandbooks #promptmaze #bookspinbingo #witchathon @mdm139 #teamSlaughter #stabbybingo #bodycountbingo #somethingspooky #hauntedbuilding 6hrs 15m

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
TheSpineView Awesome 2y
Clwojick It‘s so weird, and creepy but I loved it too. Definitely not my usual. 2y
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼👻🧡 2y
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Horrorstr | Grady Hendrix;
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📖 mystery
🏡 haunted house

I don‘t tag people much because I never know who likes to play these games. I like to do them, so thanks for the tag @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm ! #thoughtfulthursday

Horrorstr | Grady Hendrix;
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5 ⭐️s
My first Grady Hendrix and I LOVED it! I especially enjoyed the design of the book to be like an ordering catalog. I do wish it had been longer, but I‘m glad it ended the way it did as well. The buildup was nice and I was glad Hendrix didn‘t shy away from the gore. A characters fingernail being ripped off “like a wet postage stamp” is exactly the kind of descriptive nastiness I live for in my horror.

TheSpineView Awesome 2y
Emilymdxn Truth!!! So inventive but so old school 2y
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KathyWheeler I loved this book — it‘s my favorite Hendrix. 2y
DieAReader 🎉🎉🎉 2y
Catsandbooks 🙌🏼🦇🖤 2y
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Horrorstr | Grady Hendrix;
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This is such a uniquely fun and scary book! Hendrix creates the world of an IKEA knockoff in Cleveland where strange things are happening. Weird smells and texts from strange numbers saying “help”. The assistant manager asks two employees to stay overnight to find out what happens when the cameras go dark. Of course they get more than they bargained for. I LOVE the details that turn this print book into a catalogue. Highly recommend! #AuthorAMonth

BookishPiper I really like Grady Hendrix's work so far. 2y
Cinfhen He‘s so creative!! I did this one on audio but the print copy is too hilarious 😂 2y
Megabooks @BookishPiper I‘ve read all his books and enjoyed them! 2y
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Megabooks @Cinfhen I‘ve read the audiobook 4 times and love how Bronson Pinchot did the catalogue entries! 2y
Kimzey Sounds like fun! 2y
Megabooks @Kimzey it is! There‘s this wonderful spoofy humor to his horror that makes being frightened delightful. If that makes sense! 😂 2y
BarbaraBB It sounds great indeed. And frightening! 2y
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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Spooky and scary when I got up this morning. ?? A perfect time to finally start my *print* copy of Horrorstör! I‘ve listened to the audiobook half a dozen times, but this is a fantastic one to own in print because it really does look like an ikea catalogue. I just love Hendrix. He is ? my horror sweet spot! #AuthorAMonth

vivastory I've heard his upcoming book is his greatest . Can't wait 2y
Soubhiville I love a foggy morning! 2y
BarbaraBB I still haven‘t read this one but I am planning to, one day! 2y
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sarahbarnes This has been on my list! 2y
Megabooks @vivastory I‘m so excited every time he comes out with one, and I love haunted houses!! 2y
Megabooks @Soubhiville one of the best things about fall! 2y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB you should! It‘s so unique. 2y
Megabooks @sarahbarnes I highly recommend it! 2y
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Horrorstor: A Novel | Grady Hendrix
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Repost for @Soubhiville

It‘s October, time to pull out our Grady Hendrix books for #AuthorAMonth. What are you planning to read?

#AuthorAMonth is a no-pressure, no-commitment Litsy challenge. The goal is to celebrate the works of a particular author each month. Authors were chosen through polls by Litsy participants. Read as many as you like, skip months when needed, it's entirely up to you!

Zuhkeeyah Just borrowed “The Final Girl Support Group“! 2y
willaful Oh, I've seen Horrorstor mentioned as similar to Finna, so I'm interested now. 2y
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Horrorstor | Grady Hendrix
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My first book of #scarathlon2022 was this reread which I LOVED as much as last time. So scary, great characters, so original, and this time round I found I was really touched by all the material about good work, bad work, worthwhile work. Go basil, the middle manager who won‘t let the demonic hordes take the cashiers he‘s responsible for.

#teamslaughter @Clwojick +6 non team read plus word search and readathons which I‘ll add on my spreadsheet

Clwojick Agreed! Love this book! 2y
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