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Little Women | Louisa May Alcott
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I was 7 the first time my grandmother read Little Women to me. Since that day I've read this book more than any other. It is where I return when the world robs me of my joy of reading, or when I need to be reminded of the unbreakable bond we can form with those we love. Because sometimes in life we just need a good book to make everything okay again.

#TranquilTuesday #WeepingWednesday #FlowersonCover @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

OriginalCyn620 I love Little Women! Impressive use of the hashtags too! 😉 5y
Addison_Reads @OriginalCyn620 I was a few days behind and inspiration got me when I saw Little Women on my shelves. 😉 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awww ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 5y
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#MagnificentMarch #TranquilTuesday

“Is the life I‘m living the life that wants to live in me?”

-Parker Palmer, quoted in the tagged book.

OriginalCyn620 🙌🏻📚❤️ 5y
Crazeedi 💖💖💖 5y
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My first thought for #TranquilTuesday was the British cozy mysteries I love in books and on TV. The village in the Cotswolds where Agatha Raisin moves seems like a tranquil place to live, except for all the murders! (Much like Midsomer Murders TV show) #MagnificentMarch

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 👍🏻 📖 📚 5y
OriginalCyn620 I may have to try this out! 5y
MallenNC @OriginalCyn620 Our library has some of the first ones on Libby as audiobooks. Try those! The tv show is a little different than the books but they‘ve both good. 5y
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I admire Terry Waite so much for how he dealt with being held captive for 4 years. This is a collection of extracts from some of the books that helped him through those years of captivity.

#TranquilTuesday #MagnificentMarch
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @OriginalCyn620

OriginalCyn620 📚❤️📚 5y
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OriginalCyn620 📚❤️📚 5y
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At times Frieda Klein could be considered quite tranquil. A great series of books!
#MagnificentMarch #TranquilTuesday

OriginalCyn620 I like that cover! 5y
Andrew65 @OriginalCyn620 I love the vibrant yellow on it. 5y
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March 10th: #TranquilTuesday #MagnificentMarch Spring makes me feel a sense of tranquility; the earth‘s reawakening and a return to the light. 🌸🌷🐛🐣🌳🦋🍄

Andrew65 Great to see the daffodils out and buds of the plum tree coming through. 5y
OriginalCyn620 I love seeing the blooming flowers and budding trees! 🌸 5y
MoonWitch94 @Andrew65 @OriginalCyn620 YES! I have hyacinths coming up in my front yard (my favorite!!) It‘s so joyful! ☺️ 5y
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I‘m looking forward to some #TranquilTuesday ‘s! I can‘t wait to get in my flower beds..



OriginalCyn620 🙌🏻🌸🌼 5y
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Rite: Short Work | Tad Williams
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#MagnificentMarch #TranquilTuesday

Short story collections are, for me, such a comfort. I feel no obligation to finish an entire book. I get to dip in and dip out at my own leisure and I can explore genres I might not normally engage in.

They definitely help me maintain my calm and add a tranquil reading experience into what can be an already hectic day.


GreenGrl87 I completely agree! I love to keep them in my pack over the summer so when I go camping I always have something to read without trying to dive in and out of a longer read, or feeling guilty if I don‘t finish it. 5y
OriginalCyn620 So true! 🙌🏻 5y
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