Real life lessons from a book worth spending on. Loads much in my shelf even when it's so tiny. Thanks to Author ❥
Real life lessons from a book worth spending on. Loads much in my shelf even when it's so tiny. Thanks to Author ❥
Tackle the TBR 🤓📚 #boleybooks #tuesdayswithmorrie #mitchalbom #booklove #bookbeast #mustread
What are you reading? 😊
1. Don't have a holiday here in #India. So only Sunday off from work.
2. I was torn between this one and #TuesdayswithMorrie but I think this one wins
3. I'm a very picky eater so the list is quite long. Most green veggies make it to the list🙈🤣
4. None. I wish I did.
5. You too😇
@jesshowbooks #friyayintro
I took part in a book exchange on FB a couple weeks back. Today, on this lazy Saturday, I'm finally getting started on the first book I received in the mail. Many friends have told me to keep the tissues handy.
#GonnaMakeMeCry #TuesdaysWithMorrie #AmReading #PopBooks #MitchAlbom #BookExchange
My favorite lines from Tuesdays with Morrie.. Read this long back and would definitely love to read it again..
Morrie depicts a perfect teacher so perfectly and his lessons with Mitch are so damn perfect... A person will get to learn a lot after reading this and will surely have a changed view towards teachers and I'm sure all of us will definitely want a teacher like him.. A must read❤
#bookworm #bibliophilicme #tuesdayswithmorrie #books