Martin's Big Words is a nonfiction multi award winner picture book by Doreen Rappaport. This beautifully illustrated book highlights Dr. Martin Luther King's struggle to overcome equality and the last impact he has made in the US. I read this book at work to my 2nd graders for #WRAD2017 and they loved it! We had a great discussion afterwards and i'm definitely going to bring more books to read to them! #UCFLAE3414sp17
christinathorpe for more about Doreen and classroom applications, visit doreenrappaport.com/martins-big-words/ 8y
DrSpalding I am so proud of you for reading this on #WRAD17! Wonderful! 8y
AlanaA I like the idea of preparing for your read aloud by reading to other kids and I think I'm going to try this too! Your source is also really helpful for teachers to use! 8y
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