❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. Shades of You‘ve Got Mail. Frat brothers don‘t realize they are messaging each other on hookup app. I really liked this one. It wasn‘t #Wesmie good but it would be hard to match that level of awesomeness. #romantsy
Enjoyable m/m #romantcy, but I didn't think it was as good as the other collaborations by these authors. Maybe I just missed the hockey #YouNeverCanTell #MayMovieMagic
Gahhhh, this book!!! So good, ya'll. M/M romance that had me like 😍, 😳, 😭, and 😆 in equal measure. SO MANY FEELS and a whole lot of 🔥. Yowza.
🏎🏎🏎🏎🏎 Trent & Drew move forward in their relationship while facing what it means to tell everyone about it. #Trew are nearly #Wesmie level. They fall in love as friends before ever broaching the romantic or physical relationship. This was another book where the parents act horribly when told. I know that is many people‘s reality. It pisses me off every time I read it. As a parent, I‘ll never understand how people can do that to their kid.