This is a great look at how murder has been used for entertainment purposes in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in England. I covers everything from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to Alfred Hitchcock. If you‘re a true crime fan or a detective fiction fan, I highly recommend this book. This book is especially wonderful for Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie and Alfred Hitchcock fans, as Worsley has interesting little tidbits on each of their lives.👇🏻
GingerAntics Apparently A. A. Milne also wrote a crime story. Who knew? #LucyWorsley #TheArtOfTheEnglishMurder #AAMilne #WinnieThePooh #WinnieThePoohSolvesCrime #AlfredHitchcock #AgathaChristie #SirArthurConanDoyle 4y
TheBookHippie I just got this from the library !!!! Opening it up now! 4y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie it‘s more about literature than death, but it‘s a fun read. I hope you enjoy. 4y
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TheBookHippie Loved it!!! 4y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie I‘m so glad. It‘s not what you quite expect from the title, but you‘re still not disappointed. It‘s a really interesting book in that regard. 4y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics I agree. I enjoyed it very much I would have never picked it up so thank you!! I put a note on the front for the librarian so she can promote it! Ha. 4y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie oh cool, I love when the library promotes good books!!! 4y