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Eggs The infamous shower scene 🔪🧡🩸 1mo
dabbe @Eggs 🤩😂🤗 1mo
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Not a Hitchcock you'd think of right away, but grippingly good.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 👍🏻 1mo
Eggs Agree-it‘s a compelling one. After I watched the Cary Grant series I decided to rewatch some of hitchcock‘s movies. N x NW, Charade, To Catch a Thief, man who knew too much, Rope 1mo
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dabbe @Eggs 🤔 Matt and I could have an all day Hitchcock fest! Thanks for the brilliant idea! 💙🩵💙 1mo
Eggs My pleasure ~ let me know which ones you watch🥰🤗 @dabbe 1mo
KadaGul @Eggs @dabbe I fell head over heels 🥰😍🙂‍↔️for Cary Grant, the embodiment of a true gentleman, and Alfred Hitchcock's heart♥️-pounding movies 🎬 #CaryGrant (edited) 1mo
dabbe @KadaGul He is soooooo sexy and funny and a fabulous actor ... #hubbahubba! 🤩😂🤗 1mo
KadaGul @dabbe #Hubbahubba #Drooling 🤤🤤🤤🤤 1mo
batsy Yes. Love this movie 🖤 1mo
dabbe @batsy It's a good one, isn't it? 🤩 1mo
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The Mystery of the Laughing Shadow | Alfred Hitchcock, William Arden
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(1969) Twelfth in the "Three Investigators" series of juvenile mysteries. This one has the boys stumbling across a sinister plot to steal the lost treasure of a fictional Native American tribe. The mystery is mostly transparent, and several things haven't aged well -- most noticably the depiction of Native Americans. It's still the Three Investigators but not one of the better ones.

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Pretty sure this is the fastest I've ever clocked a #BookSpin, since "The Mystery of the Talking Skull" was my New Year's read. So ... success! My #DoubleSpin is a Spanish novella which won the Premio Ignotus last year in the "short novel" category. My español is muy básica so I expect that one will take a little longer.

Thanks @TheAromaofBooks !

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fabulous progress already!! 😁 6mo
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(1969) Eleventh in my favorite juvenile mystery series. In this one Jupe, Pete, and Bob buy an old trunk at an auction. The trunk turns out to have belonged to a traveling magician: among its contents are the magician's trademark trick "the talking skull", and a letter with clues pointing to a hidden treasure. It's not one of the series' best -- too many points that stretch believability for that -- but it's fast and fun as always.

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(1967) Eighth in the Three Investigators series, and the weakest so far. The prince of a tiny European monarchy invites the boys abroad to attend his coronation. The US government gets involved, and employs the boys as "junior agents" inside the castle. It's less a mystery than a Ruritanian adventure, and feels out of place in the series, though I probably liked it fine when I was in the target audience.

This was my #DoubleSpin for January

DocBrown LOVED and devoured this series as a young reader! 1y
swynn Me too! And I'm loving the reread too. 1y
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Finished this puzzle my mom gave me a while ago… it was a mystery, no picture of the puzzle with it, but a murder mystery that describes the crime scene. It was pretty neat, I did the puzzle first and just read the little short story about the three suspects. Got to try out my new puzzle board I got for Christmas. Happy new year everyone!

wanderinglynn How fun! 🧩💚 1y
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(1967) Seventh in the Three Investigators mystery series. In this one Jupiter, Pete, and Bob help a British boy whose American uncle has left him a mysterious inheritance and the only clues to its location are in a cryptic letter left by his uncle.

It's a tidy little puzzle, and the Three Investigators do what they do. If you like the formula then you'll like this one too, as I did.

This is my #DoubleSpin read for November.

kwmg40 Brings back good memories of the hours I spent with this series when I was young! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Alfred Hitchcock's Witch's Brew | Alfred Hitchcock, Stephen Marchesi
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LKK526 I used to devour these books as well as watch “Alfred Hitchcock Presents” rivaled only by “The Twilight Zone” 2y
Eggs Oh yes! I watched Hitchcock and Twilight Zone too 👏🏻👏🏻 2y
LKK526 @Eggs great minds think alike!👍 (edited) 2y
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One of the best combinations: the three question marks and an espresso.
