How, exactly, does one breathe from the hips?
#AAMilne #TheRedHouseMystery #breathing #BreatheFromTheHips #what #libravox
How, exactly, does one breathe from the hips?
#AAMilne #TheRedHouseMystery #breathing #BreatheFromTheHips #what #libravox
I have a different edition, narrated by someone named Toby (it seemed fitting after my last book)… but it turns out it‘s narrated by a woman. I‘m very confused now.
#AAMilne #TheRedHouseMystery #audiobook #LitsyMadeMeDoIt
Happy Bealtaine everyone! I found this lovely A. A. Milne poem that was so perfectly fitting for today.
#Bealtaine #Beltane #celtic #firefestival #growth #renewal #AAMilne #Daffodowndilly #WhenWeWereVeryYoung #Joetry #Joetry2022 @CBee @Chrissyreadit
Seven books with numbers in the titles
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Two Can Keep a Secret
Three Men in a Boat
Four Past Midnight
The Five
Now We Are Six
The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle
#bookworm #kenkesey #oneflewoverthecuckoosnest #karenmmcmanus #twocankeepasecret #jeromekjerome #threemeninaboat #stephenking #fourpastmidnight #hallierubenhold #thefive #aamilne #nowwearesix #stuartturton #thesevendeathsofevelynhardcastle
Here‘s December‘s #BookSpinBingo card. This month my #BookSpin is the tagged book and my #DoubleSpin is Winter Trees by Sylvia Plath. I‘m doing hot cocoa for my freebies this month because I really do get down on cocoa this time of year like Scott Calvin 😂🎅🏻
This is a great look at how murder has been used for entertainment purposes in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in England. I covers everything from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to Alfred Hitchcock. If you‘re a true crime fan or a detective fiction fan, I highly recommend this book. This book is especially wonderful for Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie and Alfred Hitchcock fans, as Worsley has interesting little tidbits on each of their lives.👇🏻
⭐️⭐️⭐️ A fun quick read. Dorothy L. Sayers finds a body in her dining room; her friends from the Detection Club decide who better to discover a murderer than the sharpest minds in detective fiction; lead by Agatha Christie, they follow the clues to get to the truth.
This looks fun. I read Martin Edwards ‘The Golden Age of Crime‘, detailing the lives, interests and rivalries of The Detection Club, so let‘s see what this self titled ‘faction‘ (fact and fiction blended) book has in store.