Got #ElizaAndHerMonsters by #FrancescaZappia and #Afterworlds by #ScottWesterfeld a few days ago. Eliza is a mental health present and Afterworlds is a bargain buy. Both about creating great fictional worlds. Eeeep! #books #bookworm #writing
Got #ElizaAndHerMonsters by #FrancescaZappia and #Afterworlds by #ScottWesterfeld a few days ago. Eliza is a mental health present and Afterworlds is a bargain buy. Both about creating great fictional worlds. Eeeep! #books #bookworm #writing
I found this gorgeous book at a book swap and I'm really excited about it. It sounds a little bit like Inkspell, except there's one person who is writing a story and another person who is living it. It sounds really interesting and I loved the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld so I'm excited to give this one a go.
#yafantasy #youngadult #scottwesterfeld #afterworlds #uglies