And another art… this one feels not at ALL daring until the end, which keeps it real. Good poetry analysis. Restlessness of desire, restlessness of boredom. How daring relates to norms, knowledge, loss of self, understanding of risk. Revelation, confession, shame.
23 “defiance of closure is what constitutes adventurousness”
117 “restlessness sets risk into motion”
138 (on risk and revelation) “Respect or shame, it‘s pretty much your own choice”
April #JournalingPrompts via @thebookhippie
If you want to be tagged monthly let her know.
One of my favorite authors created a writer‘s guide for anyone to be able to write.
It definitely inspired me to write, but what I loved most is her anecdotes about her life and choices that she made to get to writing.
This was fine. Not earth shattering but not entirely unhelpful. All about tips and tricks for writing during hard times. There‘s some things I‘ll take away from this and I‘m glad I read it, but it‘s not my favorite writing help book. I could see others getting far more out of it than me and am glad it exists. #roll100 January pick @PuddleJumper
Here‘s my belated #readyourkindle for this months. Thanks @CBee for organizing.
“Socrates said, ‘The misuse of language induces evil in the soul.‘ He wasn‘t talking about grammar. To misuse language is to use it the way politicians & advertisers do, for profit, without taking responsibility for what the words mean. Language used as a means to get power or make money goes wrong: it lies. Language used as an end in itself, to sing a poem or tell a story, goes right, goes towards the truth. A writer is a person who cares what ⤵️
February Wrap Up: I was sick most of February. Still Writing down the bones set me in a course. KC was my fav, and I am glad to have finished the second in the wolf hall trilogy. Beautyland is from TOB. It made a good bookgroup discussion but not my favorite. The LM made me want to read the measure.
Here‘s another journaling thing I looked up. I wanted to know if there were Afternoon Pages like there are Morning and Night Pages. I‘ve done Afternoon Pages and Night Pages before and the last 2 days, I tried Morning Pages because I had to get up early. I‘ve never tried guided journaling before. I‘ve done Afternoon Pages before and I feel like that works for me because I don‘t get up early. If I don‘t do it at noon then I can do it at night.