Read this one for a Jane Austen book club I'm doing with @jmtrivera and another cousin. I enjoyed some of the satire and the telenovela drama of it. But I'm not sure this will be my favorite Jane Austen. We'll see. #amreadingclassics #womenauthors
Read this one for a Jane Austen book club I'm doing with @jmtrivera and another cousin. I enjoyed some of the satire and the telenovela drama of it. But I'm not sure this will be my favorite Jane Austen. We'll see. #amreadingclassics #womenauthors
The cousins and I are doing a #janeaustenbookclub this year. Starting off with sense and sensibility. Only a few chapters in but already tickled by rich people problems #amreading #amreadingclassics
Started this one for #halfbloodbingo for an epistolary novel (amended from before. Wrong category. I have too many reading challenges going on lol). Figured it was time to finally read it since I saw the musical #amreadingclassics #diversereading #bookbingo