"I think he's stupid enough to open a wholesale stupid store and sell franchises." More gold from Vic, which really isn't a surprise. ? #vicmoretti #anobviousfact #craigjohnson
"I think he's stupid enough to open a wholesale stupid store and sell franchises." More gold from Vic, which really isn't a surprise. ? #vicmoretti #anobviousfact #craigjohnson
Nobody has a way with words quite like Victoria Moretti. 😂 (Except for Debra Morgan, who is also one of my faves of all time, so clearly, there's a theme going there.) #anobviousfact #craigjohnson #vicmoretti
Just a little peek at Walt and Cady's pitch-perfect banter. (A transformer at my house blew, so I might not get a lot more posted for #fictionalfathersday, since my phone's battery life is garbage.) 🙄 #anobviousfact #waltlongmire #cadylongmire #craigjohnson
I love pretty much everything about the Longmire series, but the thing that grabbed me almost immediately was the beautifully-drawn relationship between Walt and his daughter Cady. It's warm and funny and heartfelt, but can be tense and combative, too - which is to say, it's so real.
It's also so much fun to see the rugged lawman turn into a marshmallow over his baby girl. 💖 #anobviousfact #waltlongmire #craigjohnson #fictionalfathersday