FINISHED! Phew! My grand total is 216! And more will be added to that what with Christmas coming up 😂 God I am knackered from counting all my books 😂😂 #bookinventory #bookcounting #stocktake
FINISHED! Phew! My grand total is 216! And more will be added to that what with Christmas coming up 😂 God I am knackered from counting all my books 😂😂 #bookinventory #bookcounting #stocktake
I‘m starting an inventory of all my books! I‘ve wanted to do this for ages but have never got round to it, I know I‘ve got well over 200 books but it‘s will be nice to have them all written down and accounted for!
#bookinventory #organisation
Updating my books I own list 📚, yes I am OCD about my books 🤓 #IOnlyHave1456 #BookInventory #CoffeeBecauseAdultingIsHard #BookNerd 📚💙