#currentlyreading THE SECRET HISTORY by Donna Tartt
I‘m glad to be back to reading after an extended period with COVID. To celebrate, I‘m busting out the fancy bookmark.
Do you have a special bookmark you love? #bookmarkcollector
#currentlyreading THE SECRET HISTORY by Donna Tartt
I‘m glad to be back to reading after an extended period with COVID. To celebrate, I‘m busting out the fancy bookmark.
Do you have a special bookmark you love? #bookmarkcollector
Just finished coloring my bookmark from alicia_marks_it, it was a free bookmark included with my order. It was a lot of fun.
#amibookmark #theartistinme #bookmarkcollector
Some bookmark sets I got at the Dollar Tree 🖤
#bookmark #bookmarks #dollartree #dollartreefinds #tassels #bookmarkcollector
Bibliophage ... where does it come from and why did I choose it? Here‘s the scoop!
It‘s also become the title of my book blog, www.TheBibliophage.com. And if you subscribe to my email updates, I send you a lovely bibliophage bookmark. (I send internationally also.)
#alittlemoreaboutme #whattheheckisabibliophage #bookmark #bookmarkcollector #blogger #bookreviewer
My sister just came back from a Mexican Rivera cruise and brought me back this bookmark. She knows the way to my heart ❤️ 📚
#bookmark #bookmarkcollector